
Does exact birth time matter in astrology?

Does exact birth time matter in astrology?

Your zodiac chart can teach you many things, so it’s important to get all of your star signs correct. The exact time of your birth determines your ascendant, or rising, sign — the sign that was rising over the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth (via Mind Body Green).

How accurate does your time of birth affect astrology?

The birth time is not only used to find out the positions of the planets but also your Ascendant (Rising Sign). An inaccurate birth time will produce erroneous reading in astrology. Therefore have your birth certificate before getting your natal chart made. Sometime the time in birth certificate is also not accurate.

How important are the minutes in a natal chart?

This is why knowing the degrees and minutes together of a planet or point is so vital. It helps us determine where a planet or point truly is astrologically. A planet at 29 degrees 59 minutes of any sign is still in that particular sign.

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How can I know my exact birth time?

Locate a copy of your birth certificate. A long form birth certificate should list the time of your birth. If you do not have a copy of your birth certificate you will have to search deeper.

What if you don’t know what time you were born?

Your birth certificate is usually your best bet. If you don’t have it, you could try the hospital where you were born. If they do not have a copy, then you can contact the county, and then the state you were born in. Multiple copies of your birth certificate were sent out to different places to register your birth.

Can your birth chart change?

While the planets are constantly on the move, the natal chart does not change. It is personal and permanent, the cosmic DNA, an astronomical fingerprint to describe a person’s character and life cycles. The power of the natal chart comes from the richness of information that we can derive from it.

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What do minutes mean in astrology?

Every degree of a circle can be further divided into 60 minutes. That means that each one of the 30 degrees in a sign contains 60 minutes. Astrologers use the degrees and minutes to show how far into the sign a planet or house cusp is. Let’s take two examples using the planet Mars in the sign Taurus.

Can I lookup my birth time?

If you don’t have a copy of your birth certificate, you can usually request a copy from the health department or vital records office associated with the county, province, or state where you were born. Always mention that you are specifically looking for a record of your birth time.

What if my birth time is only approximate?

So what if your birth time is only approximate–accurate to within, say, a half hour? The Ascendant, or rising sign, a key factor in chart interpretation, moves one degree every four minutes. It changes signs about every two hours. If your birth time is off by 30 minutes, you could easily come up with the wrong rising sign.

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How accurate is Astro-mapping when calculating birth time?

A birth time off by 10 minutes will cause rising and culminating lines to be about 135 miles off and 15 minutes will shift lines to about 300 miles off. Astro-mapping methods are virtually useless unless the birth time is very accurate.

How accurate is the time on the horoscope?

At best, the time is correct to the minute. On average, the ascendant moves around 1 degree every four minutes. So, the less precise the time, the less precise the horoscope will be. Even 15 minutes can make a difference in the interpretation.

What if my birth time is off by 30 minutes?

The Ascendant, or rising sign, a key factor in chart interpretation, moves one degree every four minutes. It changes signs about every two hours. If your birth time is off by 30 minutes, you could easily come up with the wrong rising sign. And, since all the house cusps change along with the Ascendant, some planets could be in the wrong houses.