
Does lift have to be greater than weight?

Does lift have to be greater than weight?

If lift is greater than your weight, the plane shifts upward. If thrust is greater than drag, the aircraft will speed up, and subsequently, if drag is greater than the thrust, you’ll slow down. Lift is the force that counteracts the weight of an object in order to keep it in the air.

What happens if normal force is greater than weight?

In an elevator either stationary or moving at constant velocity, the normal force on the person’s feet balances the person’s weight. In an elevator that is accelerating upward, the normal force is greater than the person’s ground weight and so the person’s perceived weight increases (making the person feel heavier).

Is the weight of an object equal to the force?

Weight is a force that acts at all times on all objects near Earth. The magnitude of the force of gravity can be found by multiplying the mass m of the object by the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity g = + 9.8 m s 2 g=+9.8 \dfrac{\text m}{\text{ s}^2} g=+9.

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What forces are greater when an object’s weight is greater?

Since the gravitational force is directly proportional to the mass of both interacting objects, more massive objects will attract each other with a greater gravitational force. So as the mass of either object increases, the force of gravitational attraction between them also increases.

Is lift force equal to weight?

Yes. Lift equals weight in level flight. A better way to say would be that in case of a steady level flight, the aerodynamic forces (including the propulsive force) and the body force are in equilibrium.

Can you lift more if you weigh more?

Average lift weights are generally based off body weight. The more you weigh, the more strength you will have, whether trained or untrained, since that extra weight likely contains extra muscle along with fat and bone and what not.

Why is weight not always equal to normal force?

Normal force is defined as the force that a surface exerts on an object. If the object is at rest, net force on the object is equal to zero; therefore, the downward force (weight) must be equal to the upward force (normal force). Since weight acts in the downward direction it will be negative.

What happens if the normal force is greater than gravity?

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If the “normal force” of the supporting surface was greater than “the force of gravity” (AKA weight), the object would have to move upward off the surface.

Is weight and gravitational force the same?

Weight is the force experienced by a body due to the gravity of the earth, a planet, a particle, or another body. The Force of gravity is the force that brings about weight.

What is the relation between force and weight?

Weight is a measure of the force of gravity acting on an object. According to Newton’s laws of motion, force is directly proportional to both mass and acceleration, and the equation for force is F = m * a, where m = mass and a = acceleration. We can use this equation to solve for weight.

Which force is used to lift weight?

The weights are lifted by applying a force caused by the action of muscles of the person. Hence, it is a muscular force.

What force is used when you lift an object?

When an object is lifted, work is done. When work is done in raising the height of an object, energy is transferred as a gain in the gravitational potential energy of the object. For example, suppose you lift a suitcase of mass through a height . The weight of the suit case is a downward force of size .

Why can’t you lift an object with a heavier weight?

If you apply a direct upward force exactly equal to the weight, that wouldn’t be enough. The two forces would balance. A greater force applied like that would accelerate the object upward. Use of leverage (gearing) can allow a much smaller indirect force to be used to lift the object.

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What force is required to lift an object?

A force greater than it’s weight. The weight is the force by which the earth is attracting the object. In order to lift the object, a net upward force is required. This is possible only if the upward force is greater than the weight.

What happens when force is greater than weight?

Force greater than the objects weight is ideally taken as it would create an acceleration in the body and it would be faster to move the object. When the force is equal to the weight the object is said to just move i.e. it would almost be in a state of motion but there is no motion.

How does a simple machine lift a heavy object?

If you apply a direct upward force exactly equal to the weight, that wouldn’t be enough. The two forces would balance. A greater force applied like that would accelerate the object upward. Use of leverage (gearing) can allow a much smaller indirect force to be used to lift the object. That’s how simple machines work.