
How can Loki be an alligator?

How can Loki be an alligator?

Alligator Loki is a Loki from an alternate reality, in which he was born or turned into an alligator. One day, he ate the neighbor’s cat, which created a nexus event which caused the Sacred Timeline to branch, so he was captured by the Time Variance Authority and his reality was destroyed.

How are there multiple versions of Loki?

Third, The variants that we saw of Loki were from variant timelines that had not yet been pruned when the variant was created. For example the versions of Loki that we met in the Void were all pruned variants off of different timelines that mysteriously simultaneously coexisted on the Sacred Timeline.

Why are there multiple Loki variants?

Originally Answered: Why are there multiple Loki variants? There are multiple Loki variants because the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a multiverse of an infinite number of universes. Many of these have different versions of Loki, Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, etc.

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Is alligator Loki canon?

However, since Gator Loki is now MCU canon, it seems that the only thing fans can safely predict for this series is more mischief. New episodes of Loki debut on Wednesdays on Disney+.

What is a variant in Loki?

Sophia Di Martino as The Variant in Loki (Disney Plus) A variant is a term coined by the Time Variance Authority to describe a person who does something they are not supposed to in the so-called “Sacred Timeline” of the MCU, and thus branches away into an alternate version of events.

Is Mobius a Loki variant?

Mobius carries in comic books. Of course, it should also be noted that Loki episode 4 reveals Mobius is just a variant of a real human person that had a life but was mind-wiped to serve He Who Remains’ TVA.

Who is the other Loki variant?

The big reveal at the end of Loki episode 2 is Lady Loki – otherwise known as Sylvie. This mysterious character, played by Sophia Di Martino, wears a variation of Loki’s Asgardian clothing and has a similar hairstyle to his (albeit in blonde) as well as wearing a smaller version of his horned helmet.

How can there be a female Loki?

Why did Loki turn into a woman? In the comics, Loki is reborn as a woman, known simply as Lady Loki, after the events of Ragnarok in Asgard, but even that wasn’t too innocent: When Thor and his fellow Asgardians are to be reborn in new bodies on Earth, Loki actually stole the body intended to be for Sif.

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Why do the Lokis look different?

The Multiversal war, the whole point of the TVA, still wont happen. My take for why do Loki variants look different is because the POD (point of divergence), between the timelines of those different Lokis, exists right before the conception of Loki.

Who is the mystery variant in Loki?

Sophia Di Martino
Yes, the villain variant is “Lady Loki,” a female version of the character played by Sophia Di Martino. At the end of the episode she detonates a few fancy time-travel bombs that caused the timeline to diverge into many other, not-so-sacred timelines.

Is morbius dead in Loki?

And in Loki, Mobius and Ravonna discuss another TVA analyst who worked for her; maybe it was another Mobius all along. Regardless, Owen Wilson’s IMDb confirms that he’s in the final two episodes of Loki, so he’s not fully dead to the series yet.

How did Sylvie become a variant?

Sylvie learns that she sets off nexus events wherever she goes with the TemPad unless she lives in apocalypse settings. The TVA only removes someone from the timeline when they do something unapproved that creates a branched timeline, which is known as a nexus event and makes them a variant.

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Is Alligator Loki the best Loki variant of all?

In short: Alligator Loki has reached Baby Yoda status, and we’re all going to have to live with it. (This is not a bad thing, by the way.) It turns out that even Loki head writer Michael Waldron is not immune to Alligator Loki’s many charms, naming him the best Loki variant of all.

What happened in ‘Loki’ episode 5?

Loki episode 5 introduced a multitude of new Loki variants, including an older Classic Loki sporting the character’s iconic comic costume, a younger Kid Loki version, and most importantly: Alligator Loki.

Is that an alligator wearing Loki’s Crown?

Loki episode 4’s post-credits scene reveals new Loki variants , including an alligator wearing Loki’s signature crown. It’s undoubtedly an odd addition, especially considering how Alligator Loki has no comic book origin.

Is ‘Journey Into Mystery’ alligator Loki?

While Alligator Loki’s screentime during “Journey into Mystery” is relatively limited, he nevertheless steals every scene in which he appears – and all of our hearts along the way – thanks to his sassy growls and penchant for violence.