
How can you justify the absence of magnetic monopole?

How can you justify the absence of magnetic monopole?

A magnetic monopole does not exist. Just as the two faces of a current loop cannot be physically separated, magnetic North pole and the South pole can never be separated even on breaking a magnet to its atomic size. A magnetic field is produced by an electric field and not by a monopole.

Are magnetic monopoles theoretically possible?

As yet there is no evidence for the existence of magnetic monopoles, but they are interesting theoretically. In 1931 the English physicist P.A.M. Dirac proposed that the existence of even a single magnetic monopole in the universe would explain why electric charge comes only in multiples of the electron charge.

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Which law and how indicates the absence of magnetic monopole?

Discoverers of the law Gauss’s law for magnetism simply describes one physical phenomena that a magnetic monopole does not exist in reality. So this law is also called “absence of free magnetic poles”.

Which of the following equation tells us about the non-existence of the magnetic monopole?

The Gauss law for magnetisim which is the equation establishes the non-existence of magnetic monopole.

What would a magnetic monopole be used for?

Practical uses of magnetic monopoles are tricky. If magnetic monopoles can wander through spin ice, then they may be able to flow like electrons in an electric current and be harnessed the same way we harness electricity. Magnetricity could potentially be used as a much more compact form of computer memory.

Which of the following is correct about monopole?

Magnetic monopole exist. Magnetic monopole does not exist. Magnetic monopole have constant value of monopole momentum. The monopole momentum increase due to increase at its distance from the field.

What are magnetic monopoles does magnetic monopole exist justify your answer?

Why do we need magnetic monopoles?

Due to the conservation of magnetic charge, magnetic monopoles must be created in pairs, one north and one south. Due to conservation of energy, only magnetic monopoles with masses less than half of the center of mass energy of the colliding particles can be produced.

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Which of the Maxwell equation indicates the absence of magnetic monopoles?

There is one zero that is present in Maxwell’s Equations, which shows up in Gauss’ Magnetic Law. As you know, zero means the absence of something – that which does not exist. And this particular zero means that magnetic monopoles do not exist.

Why magnetic monopoles do not exist Quora?

As we know current is the source for magnet.So there is no such way to divide or separate the so monopoles does not exist a magnet always exist with dipoles that means a north pole is always comes with a South pole and vice versa .

Why magnetic monopoles does not exist explain?

What is correct about magnetic monopole?

Magnetic monopole have constant value of monopole momentum.

What are magnetmagnetic monopoles?

Magnetic monopoles are single, lonesome north or south magnetic poles that are predicted to exist in our universe, but haven’t yet been glimpsed in their expected form. (Image credit: NIST) Paul Sutter is an astrophysicist at The Ohio State University and the chief scientist at COSI science center.

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Do magnetic poles always come in pairs?

You can find other articles such as mysterious monopole remains elusive. It dates from 2013, and it’s by Devin Powell. He says more or less the same thing: “In standard electromagnetic theory, isolated positive and negative electric charges exist, but magnetic poles always come in pairs”.

What is a magnetic dipole?

Magnetic field lines, as illustrated by a bar magnet: a magnetic dipole. There’s no such thing as a [+] north or south magnetic pole — a monopole — by itself, though.

What is a monopole in the universe?

Monopoles are produced; then the universe inflates, driving them very far away from each other. By design in the mathematics of inflation, each observable patch of the universe would then contain, on average, just a single monopole, rendering these exotic creatures essentially undetectable despite their early prolific production.