
How did Britain France and America respond to the Treaty of Versailles?

How did Britain France and America respond to the Treaty of Versailles?

Many Americans felt that the Treaty was unfair on Germany. More importantly, they felt that Britain and France were making themselves rich at Germany’s expense and that the USA should not be helping them to do this. In the end, the Congress rejected the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations.

Why did Britain and France want to punish Germany in the Treaty of Versailles?

He was worried that an unjust peace treaty would cause resentment in Germany and possibly even lead to a future war. However, he insisted that the treaty should punish Germany because he felt that Germany was responsible for the war.

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Was Germany treated fairly in the Treaty of Versailles?

—– Treaty of Versailles is mostly fair to Germany. The treaty reduced Germany’s army to 100,00 men, airforce was no longer allowed, and only 6 capitals were permitted to have naval ships but no submarines.

What did France and Britain gain from the Treaty of Versailles?

This Treaty of Versailles got France more colonies as all the German colonies were taken and given to Britain and France.

Why did the French want Germany to be treated severely?

French President George Clemenceau wanted Germany to be severely punished. He wanted Germany to be weakened so they would not be able to pose any threat to France in the future. The two countries had a history of conflict and bordered each other.

Why was Clemenceau unhappy with the Treaty?

Summary. Clemenceau liked the harsh things that were in the Treaty, especially reparations, because they would harm Germany. Wilson got self-determination for the peoples of Eastern Europe, and a League of Nations, but he hated the Treaty because few of his ‘Fourteen Points’ got into the Treaty.

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Why did Clemenceau and Lloyd George disagree over how do you treat Germany?

A big thing that Wilson wanted was not to treat Germany too harshly as he did not want any future wars. One reason why Lloyd George and Clemenceau disagreed over how to treat Germany was because of how their countries had been affected economically.

Who negotiated the Treaty of Versailles?

The Treaty of Versailles was negotiated by the leaders of the 3 main Allied countries who had been fighting against Germany during the First World War: the U.K., France and the U.S.A.

How did Clemenceau feel about the Treaty of Versailles?

End result: Clemenceau thought the final Treaty was not harsh enough in the light of how much France had suffered. The French public agreed and did not re-elect Clemenceau to office. 3) The U.S.A.- represented by Woodrow Wilson : America had suffered far less than the other countries involved so Wilson was inclined to be less harsh towards Germany.

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How much did the Allies compromise for the reparations?

The allies compromised for the reparations to be set at £6600 million. France wants Germany nailed, and the reparations will still crush them, but the allies are perhaps more content with the money, than Germany.

How did the Big 3 react to the Treaty of Versailles?

The big 3 all had different needs and objectives from the Treaty of Versailles, most of the allies had different aims, to aid themselves, the French wanted security, whilst the USA wanted a progressive peace.