
How do I deal with my rebellious teenage son?

How do I deal with my rebellious teenage son?

How to Deal With a Rebellious Teenager

  1. Stay Calm and in Control. The most important thing you can do is stay calm.
  2. Decide on Fair, Age-Appropriate Rules.
  3. Decide on Appropriate Consequences for Breaking Rules.
  4. Focus on Your Teen’s Good Behavior.
  5. Seek Counseling for Your Rebellious Teenager.
  6. Seek Counseling for Yourself.

How do I get my teenager to obey me?

Set clear goals and rules, but negotiate the details with them. Teens obey rules more consistently when they have opportunities to voice their opinion. You should absolutely set the rules and have the final say, but let your teen make decisions about how and when to meet your goals.

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How do you get a defiant teenager to listen?

Get Your Defiant Teen to Listen— Without Judgment Instead, have a calm conversation about the changes you’ve noticed in her attire, behavior or grades. Explain how her behavior makes you feel. Don’t rush the conversation. Give her time to think through her answers and talk it out.

How can I get my son to obey me?

How to Get Your Kids to Obey Right Away

  1. Make sure you have your children’s attention. Spouting off instructions to our kids or to anyone whose attention you do not have is a waste.
  2. Do not, I repeat, do not repeat instructions.
  3. Consistently follow through with consequences.
  4. Rinse and repeat these steps.

How do you deal with a teenager who wants to rebel?

Decide what to do with your teen. Keeping them busy is a good way to prevent any rebellious desires from taking root. A job (volunteer or paid), sports, and other time-occupying activities are good methods. If your teen is unresponsive to your trying to intervene and nip things in the bud you’ll just have to let them find themselves in hot water.

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How do I get my teenager to stop being a troublemaker?

A job (volunteer or paid), sports, and other time-occupying activities are good methods. If your teen is unresponsive to your trying to intervene and nip things in the bud you’ll just have to let them find themselves in hot water. Let your teen get themselves into some moderate trouble outside of home.

How do I deal with my 13 year old son’s bad behavior?

The best thing to do would be to hold him accountable. If he argues or acts out at school, send him to the principal. If he does so at home, take away a privilege (TV, phone, etc.) or ground him. Tell him exactly what you expect from him and be consistent with punishments.

How do you deal with a defiant teenager?

How To Handle Your Defiant Teen 1 Accept your child as is. Whatever situation you are going through right now with your child, you need to accept him or her as is. 2 Acknowledge them. I am always amazed at the power of a simple thank you or acknowledgement has on people. 3 Stay calm and centered. 4 Stop being attached to the outcome.