
How do I get my car back from my husband?

How do I get my car back from my husband?

You need to file an action for divorce or separate maintenance, and then petition the Court for an order regarding the possession of the car and payment of joint obligations.

Can my ex wife claim half my house?

Legally speaking, an ex cannot force you from the family home to sell up. No single party in a divorce is entitled to 50\% of all assets, including the family home.

Can my husband’s ex wife claim my money?

Generally, an ex-wife has no rights to money her spouse earns after a divorce. In the event the judge awards alimony or child support; however, she will be entitled to a portion of it.

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When getting divorced who gets what?

When you get divorced, community property is generally divided equally between the spouses, while each spouse gets to keep his or her separate property. Equitable distribution: In all other states, assets and earnings accumulated during marriages are divided equitably (fairly) but not necessarily equally.

Can my ex take my car if its in my name?

If it is not, you have a right to repossess the automobile legally. You must follow the law while doing so. If the loan is in your name (you are not the co-signer) and your name is on the title, then the car should be returned as it is yours. If your ex is making payments, you could let it go, but not otherwise.

Does my ex have rights to my property?

He’s not a legal authority. He doesn’t get to decide how your property is divided in your divorce. He’s not in control of you. If you are still married, then the house is marital property and belongs to you both, regardless of who is on the deed.

Is my husband ex-wife entitled to my money?

Can an ex husband contest a will?

Generally, an ex-wife or husband has no prospects to successfully contest a will. However, ongoing financial support of an ex-spouse may in very limited circumstances make the ex-spouse eligible to contest the will. Each case turns on its own facts, and requires an assessment of the specific facts and circumstances.

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How much of my ex husband pension Am I entitled to?

You can receive up to 50\% of the amount your former spouse would receive in benefits at their full retirement age (this equation applies to all spouses, not just exes). This amount is not in addition to your own benefit — and again, your benefit has to be lower than half of your ex’s benefit in order for you to apply.

How can I get my ex husband to give me his car?

While the divorce is pending, you can ask for a temporary order giving you possession of the car, since anything bought during marriage is a marital asset. You need to find a way to work out an agreement with him. You might consider going to mediation if you can’t do this on your own.

What happens to my ex husband’s cars in a divorce?

Brette’s Answer: If your vehicles were bought during the marriage and are considered marital property, they will be distributed in your divorce. This does not mean he will get them: just that they must be considered in the property division and you can ask to keep them. If you owned them prior to marriage, they are not marital property.

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Can I get my ex-husband’s car loan if we separate?

Brette’s Answer : Any amount paid toward the loan during the marriage is considered marital property, so she could be entitled to a portion of the value of the vehicle. Talk to an attorney to understand your rights in your state. Can I get the vehicle my husband bought after we separated? Diana’s Question: I’m in the process of a divorce.

How can I get help with car insurance after a divorce?

The only way you can get help is by going into court for relief. It’s usually a bad situation in divorces when a car is in one spouse’s name and the other spouse wants to keep it after the divorce. It’s possible that you may be able to keep it. You’ll need to gather up proof of all the payments you have made and the insurance receipts as well…