
How do narcissists react to GREY rock?

How do narcissists react to GREY rock?

One strategy for dealing with a narcissist or sociopath is to act like a “gray rock,” meaning that you become uninteresting and unresponsive. Using the Gray Rock method, your objective is to make someone lose interest in you. You don’t feed their needs for drama or attention.

What is GREY rock in narcissism?

The logic underlying the grey rock method is that manipulative and narcissistic individuals feed on response, emotion, and drama. When a person goes grey rock, he or she will refrain from showing any emotional response, thereby denying the abusive person a clear path to escalate the situation.

How does the gray rock method work with a narcissist?

When you employ the Gray Rock Method with a narcissist, you can expect them to react to it. They may not know precisely what you are doing (and you should NEVER tell them that you are taking this approach), but they will sense a change in your behavior toward them.

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What is positivehoovering narcissism?

Positive hoovering is the narcissist basically telling you what you want to hear or do kind things. It can be an attempt to suck you back into the cycle by using the idealizing behaviour. Examples of positive hoovering are: A hoovering narcissist can try to give you gifts with ‘no strings attached’.

Is gray rock the best option for You?

If you find yourself in any of the following predicaments, Gray Rock is likely to be your best option: you have a narcissist colleague or boss in a job that you feel unwilling or unable to leave at the present moment in time (although you should make it your long term goal to find work in a different company or department)

Will a narcissist Hoover you?

A narcissist uses these periods of disengagement to fulfill their needs in other ways. You can’t know for certain a narcissist will never try to hoover you. It can happen after a long period of silence without any contact. The hoovering attempts happen mostly after being discarded or given the silent treatment.