
How do plants and animals differ in the gas exchange process?

How do plants and animals differ in the gas exchange process?

Animals, during respiration, take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide gas. Plants, on the other hand, utilize this carbon dioxide gas in the process of photosynthesis to produce food and release oxygen in the atmosphere. Thus, we can say that plants and animals help each other in exchange of gases in the atmosphere.

What is one difference and one similarity between plants and animals?

In addition to both having membrane-bound nuclei, organelles that exist in both plant and animal cells include: Mitochondria. Endoplasmic reticulum. Ribosomes….Similarities Between Plant and Animal Cells.

Animal Cell Plant Cell
Chloroplasts No Yes
Mitochondria Yes Yes
Golgi Apparatus Yes Yes

What are the main similarities between plants and animals?

The similarities between plants and animals are listed below. Both are alive and at a certain stage, both will die. For reproduction, they have organs. They have energy converting and utilizing systems.

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What are the similarities of gas exchange in plants and animals?

In animals, gas exchange follows the same general pattern as in plants. Oxygen and carbon dioxide move by diffusion across moist membranes. In simple animals, the exchange occurs directly with the environment. But with complex animals, such as mammals, the exchange occurs between the environment and the blood.

What are two similarities and two differences between plant and animal cells that can be seen under a microscope?

Under a microscope, plant cells from the same source will have a uniform size and shape. Beneath a plant cell’s cell wall is a cell membrane. An animal cell also contains a cell membrane to keep all the organelles and cytoplasm contained, but it lacks a cell wall.

What are the differences between animals and plants?

Plants Animals
Plants are generally rooted in one place and do not move on their own. Most animals have the ability to move fairly freely.
Plants contain chlorophyll. Animals do not contain chlorophyll.

How does gas exchange in plants differ in gas exchange in humans?

Only during photosynthesis are large volumes of gases exchanged, and each leaf is well adapted to take care of its own needs. The distance that gases must diffuse in even a large plant is not great. Each living cell in the plant is located close to the surface….Leaves.

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Time Osmotic Pressure lb/in2
12 Midnight 191

Do plants have blood?

plants don’t have blood, and don’t bleed. So given that plant cells can’t move, there has to be some way to transmit all kinds of stuff from one part of the plant to another: nutrients to make the plant grow, minerals to keep it healthy, various communications to let it know if it’s in trouble.

What are the differences and similarities between humans and animals?

Humans and animals both eat, sleep, think, and communicate. Some people think that the main differences between humans other animal species is our ability of complex reasoning, our use of complex language, our ability to solve difficult problems, and introspection (this means describing your own thoughts and feelings).

What are the similarities and differences between animals and plants?

There is social organization in animals and in plants there is not. Plants can reproduce asexually, whereas animals mainly reproduce sexually and very few do so asexually, being lower animals in evolution. Broadly speaking, we can see that there are more differences than similarities between plants and animals.

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What is the difference between fish and mammals gas exchange system?

Comparisons. Fish, insects and mammals have very different gas exchange systems. They each increase the surface area:volume ratio in a different way. Fish have filaments and lamellae in the gills. These are very long and thin, maximising the surface area. In mammals, the tissue of the gas exchange surface folds back on itself.

What is the difference between the internal circulation of liquids and animals?

The internal circulation of liquids is different. The plants grow practically unlimited, but the animals have a specific size. There is social organization in animals and in plants there is not. Plants can reproduce asexually, whereas animals mainly reproduce sexually and very few do so asexually, being lower animals in evolution.

Why do plants and animals need different systems of diffusion?

Most multicellular plants and animals have too small a surface area to volume ratio so diffusion would be too slow to provide the necessary molecules. Therefore, they require a system to transport nutrients and waste products around the organism. The needs of a plant and animal are similar in some aspects and very different in others.