
How do you find the angle a vector makes with the y-axis?

How do you find the angle a vector makes with the y-axis?

It is easiest to use the unit vector in the y-direction which is denoted by y= 1j. To calculate the angle between the two vectors, we only need to manipulate the dot product equation. We know that a•b=|a||b|cos(θ) where θ is the angle between the two vectors.

How do you find the components of a force?

The components of a force can be seen with horizontal and vertical change when looking at the geometric representation or as the numbers in the algebraic representation. The components of a force represent the combined vertical and horizontal forces that combine to make the resultant force.

What is the component along y-axis?

In physics, when you break a vector into its parts, those parts are called its components. For example, in the vector (4, 1), the x-axis (horizontal) component is 4, and the y-axis (vertical) component is 1.

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What is the Y component?

These parts of the force are called the components of the force. The component that pushes right or left is called the x-component, and the part that pushes up or down is called the y-component. Force components and shadows. Mathematically, the components act like shadows of the force vector on the coordinate axes.

How do you find the components of a vector?

Components of a Vector

  1. vx=vcosθ
  2. vy=vsinθ
  3. vx=vcosθ
  4. vy=vsinθ

What is the vector of y-axis?

The unit vector in the direction of the x-axis is i, the unit vector in the direction of the y-axis is j and the unit vector in the direction of the z-axis is k. Writing vectors in this form can make working with vectors easier.

What is the y component of the resultant force?

These parts of the force are called the components of the force. The component that pushes right or left is called the x-component, and the part that pushes up or down is called the y-component. Mathematically, the components act like shadows of the force vector on the coordinate axes.

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What is the component along the y axis of 5 N force exerted towards East?

That means , ( 5 * cos 0 ) N = ( 5 * 1 ) N = 5 N is the component along the east . Now , if you choose the EAST along the x – axis , as usually considered ,then the NORTH will be along the +ve y – axis , which is at an angle ( π / 2 ) radians with the EAST ( x – axis ) .

What is the Y component of A⃗?

This problem has been solved! Vector A⃗ has y-component Ay = +12.0 m . A⃗ makes an angle of 24.0 ∘ counterclockwise from the +y-axis.