
How do you round off numbers in Objective C?

How do you round off numbers in Objective C?

Use the C standard function family round() . roundf() for float , round() for double , and roundl() for long double . You can then cast the result to the integer type of your choice.

How do I restrict float to 2 decimal places?

First is the number to be rounded. Second argument decides the number of decimal places to which it is rounded. To round the number to 2 decimals, give second argument as 2.

How do you round decimals in Swift?

Rounding Numbers in Swift By using round(_:) , ceil(_:) , and floor(_:) you can round Double and Float values to any number of decimal places in Swift.

Can NSNumber be float?

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NSNumber is a subclass of NSValue that offers a value as any C scalar (numeric) type. It defines a set of methods specifically for setting and accessing the value as a signed or unsigned char , short int , int , long int , long long int , float , or double or as a BOOL .

How do you round a float to two decimal places C++?

“c++ round float to 2 decimal places” Code Answer’s

  1. float roundoff(float value, unsigned char prec)
  2. {
  3. float pow_10 = pow(10.0f, (float)prec);
  4. return round(value * pow_10) / pow_10;
  5. }
  6. auto rounded = roundoff(100.123456, 3);
  7. // rounded = 100.123;

How do you limit a float to two decimal places in C++?

Rounding Floating Point Number To two Decimal Places in C and C++

  1. First Method:- Using Float precision.
  2. Second Method: Using integer typecast If we are in Function then how return two decimal point value.
  3. Third Method: using sprintf() and sscanf()

How do you round to 2 decimal places in Swift?

  1. //Multiply the double you want to round by 10^(the number of decimal place precision you want), use the “round()” function, then divide by that number again.
  2. let x = 1.23556789.
  3. let y = Double(round(1000*x)/1000)
  4. print(y) // 1.236.
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How do you show only 2 decimal places in Swift?

The “\%f” format string means “a floating point number,” but “\%. 2f” means “a floating-point number with two digits after the decimal point. When you use this initializer, Swift will automatically round the final digit as needed based on the following number.

What is __ NSCFNumber?

Technically, NSCFNumber is a private subclass of NSNumber , but that is an implementation detail which you don’t have to worry about. To get the integer value you would call [orientation integerValue]

How do you round off decimals in C code?

Code may round the wrong way. There might be a round () function floating around (ha ha) somewhere in some math library (I don’t have a C ref at hand). If not, a quick and dirty method would be to multiply the number by 100 (shift decimal point right by 2), add 0.5, truncate to integer, and divide by 100 (shift decimal point left by 2).

How do I round a float to two decimal places?

When converting it to a string you must round to the desired precision, which in your case is two decimal places. E.g.: NSString* formattedNumber = [NSString stringWithFormat:@”\%.02f”, myFloat]; \%.02ftells the formatter that you will be formatting a float (\%f) and, that should be rounded to two places, and should be padded with 0s. E.g.:

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How do you round a number to a given value?

There might be a round () function floating around (ha ha) somewhere in some math library (I don’t have a C ref at hand). If not, a quick and dirty method would be to multiply the number by 100 (shift decimal point right by 2), add 0.5, truncate to integer, and divide by 100 (shift decimal point left by 2).

Why can’t I round the product before the round() call?

Due to FP limitations, the rounded value may not be exactly a multiple of 0.01, but will be the closest FP number a given platform allows. When d is very close to x.xx5, (x is various digits 0-9) d * 100.0 introduces a rounding in the product before the round () call. Code may round the wrong way.