
How do you structure a question in French?

How do you structure a question in French?

You ask a question in French by making your voice go up at the end of the sentence, by using est-ce que, by changing normal word order, or by using a question word. When you put the verb in front of the subject, you join the two words with a hyphen. A -t- is used in the il/elle form if the verb ends in a vowel.

What are the three ways to ask a question in French?

There are three main ways to ask a question in French: changing the intonation of the sentence, inverting the subject and verb, or forming a negative question.

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How can I learn French Questions?

Introductions and Small Talk

  1. Comment vous appelez-vous? / Comment tu t’appelles?
  2. Comment allez-vous? / Comment ça va? / Ça va?
  3. Comment ça s’écrit?
  4. D’où venez-vous? / D’où viens-tu?
  5. Quel âge avez-vous? / Quel âge as-tu?
  6. Qu’est-ce que vous étudiez? / Qu’est-ce que tu étudies?

How do you ask someone their age in French?

To ask someone’s age, you would say: Quel âge avez-vous? How old are you, using vous. Tu as quel âge?

What is est ce que?

Est-ce que (pronounced “es keu”) is a French expression that is useful for asking a question. Literally translated, this phrase means “is it that…,” although in conversation it rarely is interpreted that way. This simple structure works best for yes/no questions.

Can I learn French from DuoLingo?

Overall, DuoLingo is certainly a good resource to aid yourself in learning French. It’s motivating, it’s fun, it’s easy, and it’s free. Now with a mobile application, you have no excuses not to practice on the go!

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What are some good French Questions?

In This Article

English French
Do you speak English? Est-ce que vous parlez anglais?
How are you? Comment allez-vous?
Would you help me please? Pourriez-vous m’aider?
What’s your name? Comment vous appelez-vous?

How did the teacher end the lesson Vive la France?

The teacher told the villagers that French was the most beautiful language in the world. He ended the lesson by writing Vive La France on the blackboard. He made a gesture with his hand to indicate that the school is dismissed and students could go home. Question 8. Why had the bulletin board become a centre of attention during the last two years?

What did Mr Hamel say in his last French lesson?

M. Hamel said, “My children, this is the last French lesson I shall give you. The order has come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The new master will come tomorrow. This is your last French lesson. I want you to be attentive”.

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How many questions do you need to learn modern French?

20 Questions to REALLY test your modern French comprehension. All audio-based with full explanations. Completely free, no signup required Let’s Start… 10. Self Studying is NOT for Everybody When it comes to learning languages, not everybody is the same.

Is it possible to learn French by self-study?

It doesn’t mean that someone less gifted cannot learn French, but it means that self-studying is not for everybody. Some students need the expertise of a teacher to guide them through their studies, motivate them and find creative ways to explain the same point until it is understood. Skype and/or phone French lessons can be a good solution. 9.