
How does being a sub make you feel?

How does being a sub make you feel?

Most subs say that when a session is over, they feel a sense of euphoria, a warm, ecstatic glow. After the initial opiate like euphoria wears off, many subs feel what’s often called a “drop” or a “subdrop.” This is when the biochemicals begin to taper off, leaving a sleepy, relaxed feeling in their place.

Why should I be submissive to my husband?

Submissiveness simply means being humble, and engaging in a positive dialogue with your husband. It means maintaining your own dignity, while helpfully cooperating with your husband in building the family.”

What does submissive mean in a marriage?

There is no room for controlling or abusive behavior in a marriage. Submission looks like respecting your husband’s point of view. It means humbly sharing your opinion with him. It means not invalidating him, especially in front of others.

How do you deal with a submissive personality?

Ways to strengthen a submissive person’s self-esteem

  1. Develop their level of awareness and judgment.
  2. Give them space to express themselves.
  3. Help them differentiate disagreement from hostility.
  4. Give examples of non-submissive behavior.
  5. Find a good therapist.
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How do you communicate with a dominant personality?

The best way to work with and communicate with someone possessing a dominant personality is to be direct, succinct, and stay on topic. It’s also best to speak confidently and avoid rambling, speaking repetitiously, or providing too much detail to these big-picture people.

What creates submissive personality?

A submissive personality is someone who willingly submits to the authority of someone else. Healthy submissive relationships are both conscious and consensual; one party has agreed to carry more power of one kind or another, most often in decision making. The other party has agreed to go along.