
How does master slave flip-flop remove race around condition?

How does master slave flip-flop remove race around condition?

This problem is called race around condition in J-K flip-flop. This problem (Race Around Condition) can be avoided by ensuring that the clock input is at logic “1” only for a very short time. This introduced the concept of Master Slave JK flip flop.

What is toggling condition in flip-flop?

The J-K flip-flop has a toggle mode of operation when both J and K inputs are high. Toggle means that the Q output will change states on each active clock edge. When the clock goes low, the slave takes on the state of the master and the master is latched.

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How do you overcome toggle condition of J-K flip-flop?

For J-K flip-flop, if J=K=1, and if clk=1 for a long period of time, then output Q will toggle as long as CLK remains high which makes the output unstable or uncertain. This is called a race around condition in J-K flip-flop. We can overcome this problem by making the clock =1 for very less duration.

What is toggle condition?

[′täg·əl kən‚dish·ən] (electronics) Condition of a flip-flop circuit in which the internal state of the flip-flop changes from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0.

How do you remove race around condition?

Race around condition can be eliminated using the master-slave flip-flop. Master-Slave flip-flop is the cascaded combination of two flip-flops among which the first is designated as master flip-flop while the next is called slave flip-flop.

How is race around condition eliminated?

The race around condition can be eliminated by using the following methods: Increasing the delay of flip-flop. Use of edge-triggered flip-flop. Use of master-slave JK flip flop.

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What is the difference between toggle and race around condition?

Race around condition happens when output triggers a change in output. A change in output may change the output again and again before it settles….. making the output indeterminate and toggle in the same clock pulse. Toggling is when a particular input give different outputs different times.

What is toggling and race condition?

Race around condition happens when current output triggers a change in future output (as in the case of JK flip flop). Within the same clock pulse the output keeps changing. ( resulting in race between 0 & 1) Toggling is when a particular input changes the output (i.e. from 0 to 1 or vice versa).

How can race around conditions be removed?

Toggling of the output more than once during the same clock pulse is called race around condition. It can be eliminated using an RC network (edge triggering) at the clock input or by using Master-slave JK flip flop.

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What does toggle on mean?

1 : to fasten with or as if with a toggle. 2 : to furnish with a toggle. 3 : to switch between two different options for (something, such as a computer setting) usually by pressing a single button or a simple key combination toggle the sound on a computer off and on.

Which flip flop is used to remove the race around condition?

Explanation: the race around condition in jk flip flop can be removed by two methods which are using edge triggered flip flop and by using master slave flip flop.