
How many days can an IAS take leave?

How many days can an IAS take leave?

The maximum number of earned leaves granted to a member is 180 days, that can be exceeded to a maximum of 240 days granted that the entire leaves or a portion of them are spent in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Pakistan.

Do IAS officers get vacations?

Yes every ias officers get foreign trips through the rule of 1955 all Indian service (leave). But you need to follow the following rules for it . If an officer absente from one year continuously from leave taken days then they consider to leave the officer from duty.

What are the leave/holidays of an IAS officer?

Here are the details of leaves/holidays that IAS, IPS, IRS and other officers of civil services are entitled. Your unutilized EL and HPL are carried forward to the next year leave account. There is a cap of 315 days for EL but no cap on HPL. I think that is good enough.

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What is the duration of study leave for an IAS officer?

Govt. of India is the sole authority to decide the duration for study leave for IAS Officers and the officers can take study leave from six months up to two years if he/she wishes to carry on his/her higher education in India or abroad.

What is half pay leave (HPL) for IAS?

Half-pay leave (HPL) =20 (Can be converted to 10 full paid leave on some grounds like illness, study) Here are the details of leaves/holidays that IAS, IPS, IRS and other officers of civil services are entitled. Your unutilized EL and HPL are carried forward to the next year leave account. There is a cap of 315 days for EL but no cap on HPL.

What is the work-life balance of an IAS officer?

The initial days of the journey of an IAS officer are more hectic. As they are young and enthusiastic, they can perform duty with high agility. They always have to be ready for any calls and emergencies held in their area. The work-life balance rather becomes work-work balance.