
How many hours do investment bankers have to work?

How many hours do investment bankers have to work?

Working hours in the investment banking division (IBD) On the pure IBD side of banking, you can expect to work a 65-70 hour week in quiet periods. However, this can rise to as many as 100 hours at the most intense times during the completion of a deal (including weekends and including nights).

How much free time do you have as an investment banker?

Investment banking analysts generally work 80-110 hour workweeks – expect to have very little free time outside of the office, especially during the first year on the job.

Is it bad to work 80 hours a week?

Working for 80+ hours is extreme, and not recommended as an everyday practice – but, if you stick to a strict routine and block your time, it is possible. If you find that you’re able to eat enough, sleep enough and be happy despite working long hours, it’s fine for you to go for it.

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Is an investment banking career right for You?

Investment banking offers the opportunity to become an expert at building large, complex financial models at the earliest stage of your career. Why bankers aren’t necessarily great investors, they do spend a lot of time on valuation work, and this can be an excellent way to start your career.

Are investment banking hours really that bad?

Yes, investment banking hours, especially in your first year or two, are always bad (think: 70-80 hours in the office per week). But junior bankers also tend to exaggerate their hours, often by not subtracting downtime or breaks during the day.

Do you always work 80-100 hours per week in investment banking?

You do not always work 80-100 hours per week in investment banking. Hours tend to be lighter in groups like Equity Capital Markets since deals and workflow are more predictable. You won’t have much of a social life on weekdays, but you also won’t be staying at the office until 2 AM all the time.

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Why is project planning so difficult for investment banking firms?

Unpredictable Work Demands: Unlike with engineering projects or audits at Big 4 firms, it’s difficult to use “project planning” for investment banking deals because the processes are more random and difficult to predict.