
How many sons does Walder Frey have?

How many sons does Walder Frey have?

Walder has had twenty-two trueborn sons and seven trueborn daughters from his marriages, with an unknown number of bastard sons and daughters.

What happened to Edmure and his wife?

Roslin is carried away at her bedding ceremony. During their wedding night, Edmure impregnates Roslin, and she later gives birth to a son – although Edmure remains a captive at the Twins.

Why did Robb go back to the Twins?

Robb needed to cross at the Twins to get to Riverrun, not King’s Landing. While Robb’s ultimate goal was to go to King’s Landing, at that point in time, he needed to go to Riverrun. Or at least, a part of his army did, in order to lift the siege of Riverrun, and get the support of the Riverlands armies.

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Who killed Lord Walder Frey?

Arya Stark
Shortly after the Lannister army leaves, Walder dines on a piece of pie as a serving girl brings him another piece. Walder is killed by Arya Stark, avenging the Red Wedding.

Who was responsible for the assassination of Walder Frey?

‘Game of Thrones’ Cast Issues a Winter Advisory for Season 7 In season six’s finale, Arya served Walder Frey a slice of Frey pie before slitting his throat. Now, as of the season seven premiere, Arya completed the Manderly sequence by poisoning the Frey family with Arbor Gold.

Why did brynden Tully never marry?

Brynden Tully was the younger brother of Hoster Tully, Lord of Riverrun and head of House Tully, and the uncle of Catelyn, Edmure, and Lysa. Hoster was angry that Brynden would not enter into a marriage to improve the family, and said that he was the black goat of the Tully herd.

What happened to Lord Edmures wife?

During their wedding night, Edmure impregnates Roslin, and she later gives birth to a son – although Edmure remains a captive at the Twins.

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How many sons did Walder Frey give to the Frey family?

Walder agrees to a marriage pact with Lord Wyman Manderly, betrothing two of Walder’s grandsons, Rhaegar and Little Walder, to Wyman’s granddaughters, Wynafryd and Wylla. Walder sends at least 1,400 Frey soldiers under the command of two sons, Ser Aenys and Ser Hosteen]

How many of Lord Frey’s grandsons are sent to Winterfell?

In addition, two of Lord Frey’s grandsons, Little Walder and Big Walder, are sent to Winterfell as wards and one of his sons, Olyvar, is made squire to Robb.

What happens to Arya and Walder’s daughters?

An alliance is formed; in return for permission to cross and the service of Walder’s troops, Robb will marry one of Walder’s daughters or granddaughters, whichever he likes. Additionally Arya, when recovered, will marry Walder’s son Waldron. Robb must also take another son, Olyvar Frey, as a squire.

What will happen to Lord Walder Frey when he dies?

According to one of his sons, Merrett, Lord Walder is not long for the world and when he dies it will be every other Frey for himself. Walder, though a tyrant, believes in taking care of his own, even the ones who disappoint him.