
HOW MUCH CAN 8 bits hold?

HOW MUCH CAN 8 bits hold?

2 Answers. The max value 8 bits can hold is: 11111111 which is equal to 255. If you have a signed value, the max value it can hold is 127, the left-most bit is used for sign. The binary 10000000 equals 128 (2 ^ 7), not 256.

What is the minimum number you can represent using 8 bits?

The smallest signed 8-bit number is -128 and the largest is 127.

What is the 8 bit integer limit?

The range of integer values that can be stored in 8 bits depends on the integer representation used. With the two most common representations, the range is 0 through 255 (28 − 1) for representation as an (unsigned) binary number, and −128 (−1 × 27) through 127 (27 − 1) for representation as two’s complement.

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What is the biggest number 8 bits can represent?

8 bits at minimum. The largest number that can be represented with 7 bits is 127 (27 – 1), and the largest number that can be represented with 8 bits is 255 (28 – 1).

What is an 8-bit variable?

Integer, 8 Bit Unsigned: Unsigned whole or natural numbers ranging from 0 to +255. Integer, 8 bit Unsigned data type is used for numerical tags where only positive variables will be used within a byte boundary. Integer, 16 Bit: Signed Integers ranging from -32768 to +32767.

What is an 8-bit word?

A byte is eight bits, a word is 2 bytes (16 bits), a doubleword is 4 bytes (32 bits), and a quadword is 8 bytes (64 bits).

What is the maximum value of an 8 bit number with unsigned representation?

For unsigned 8 bit bytes/integers the maximum value that can be represented is 255 (0-255 is 256 items).

How many states can you represent with 8 bits?

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256 possible states
Eight bits can have 256 possible states. 28=256. 00000000,00000001,00000010, etc. (i.e. 0-255).

What is the maximum number of values that can be represented in 7 bits?

For example, a string of three bits can represent up to eight distinct values as illustrated in Table 1….Binary number representation.

Length of bit string (b) Number of possible values (N)
7 128
8 256
9 512
10 1024

How many samples can 8 bits hold?

With 8 bits, the maximum number of values is 256 or 0 through 255. Table 5.1 gives the number of bits in a binary number and the maximum number of states that can be represented.

What is the maximum number an 8-bit binary can hold?

The max value 8 bits can hold is: 11111111 which is equal to 255. If you have a signed value, the max value it can hold is 127, the left-most bit is used for sign. The binary 10000000 equals 128 (2 ^ 7), not 256. That’s where your confusion lays I think.

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What is the maximum number range for an 8-bit unsigned number?

The maximum number range you can have for an 8 bit number unsigned is 0-255, the signed version is negative 127–127. The maximum possibilities are 256 possibilities for both.

How many bits does it take to store an 8-bit number?

It doesn’t really take 8 bits to store a number. Depending on a number, it may take 16, 32 64 or even more bits to store it. Dividing your 16 bits into 2 is wrong.

What is the maximum number you can write in 16 bit memory?

Now, the maximum unsigned number you can in 16 bits memory is — 1111111111111111, which is 65535 in decimal. In other words, for unsigned numbers – set all bits to 1 and that will yield you the maximum possible value.