
Is a black hole tangible?

Is a black hole tangible?

Viewed from the outside, a black hole is not a tangible object but a region in space that draws in matter from its surroundings with great force. The boundary which separates this region from the rest of space is called the horizon.

Is a black hole shaped like a funnel?

A black hole is neither like a funnel, nor a consuming ball. It is, however, approximately spherical.

Is a black hole shaped like a ball?

They’re spheres. And they’re definitely not funnel shaped. The size of an event horizon of a black hole depends on the gravity, so really the event horizon is a sphere surrounding the black hole.

What is the real shape of a black hole?

A black hole is a sphere in the sense that everything that goes within its Schwarzschild radius (the distance from the center of the black hole to the event horizon) cannot escape its gravity. Thus, there is a dark sphere around the infinitely dense center, or singularity, from which nothing can escape.

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What shape is a black hole?

Nothing can escape the event horizon. This means that the black hole is spherical. The Schwarzschild solution to Einstein’s field equations assumes that the black hole is not spinning. If it is it will be a slightly flattened sphere in shape.

Why can’t a black hole spin as fast as it can?

And that can’t happen. That’s the physical limitation of how fast it can spin. Physicists use units for angular momentum that are cast in terms of mass, which is a curious thing, and the speed limit can be described as the angular momentum equals the mass of the black hole, and that sets the speed limit.”

What is an astrophysical black hole?

For this reason the term “astrophysical” black hole is usually reserved for the Kerr black hole. Rotating black holes are formed in the gravitational collapse of a massive spinning star or from the collapse or collision of a collection of compact objects, stars, or gas with a total non-zero angular momentum.

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What happens when matter falls into a black hole?

There is nothing tangible about a black hole. A black hole is just spacetime; a trapped surface hidden behind a horizon. That matter that falls in is completely destroyed adding only to the black hole mass, spin, and charge.

What happens when a black hole reaches a singularity?

Imagine the event horizon of a black hole as a sphere in space, and then surrounding this black hole is the ergosphere. The faster the black hole spins, the more this ergosphere flattens out. “The speed limit is set by the event horizon, eventually, at a high enough spin, reaches the singularity. You can’t have what’s called a naked singularity.