
Is docile positive or negative?

Is docile positive or negative?

Docile is not a negative word. It varies depending on where you use it. Docile means easy to control or influence. If you use it in negative perspective it turns out to be unstable mindset.

What word is a positive connotation?

Connotative Words: Examples

Positive Connotation Neutral Connotation Negative Connotation
thrifty saving stingy
steadfast tenacious stubborn
sated filled crammed
courageous confident conceited

What is an example of positive connotation?

Writers often use connotation to create emotional associations that can be either positive, negative, or neutral. Positive connotation. Words that conjure a favorable emotional response. For example, describing someone ambitious as a “go-getter” or someone who is lively and curious as “youthful.”

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What does it mean to be a docile person?

(dɑsəl ) adjective. A person or animal that is docile is quiet, not aggressive, and easily controlled.

Does docile have negative connotation?

The word docile has a negative connotation when it is used to describe the attribute of being easily manipulated. It has a positive connotation when used to describe a person who is accommodating and polite.

How do you use docile?

Docile in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Since the little girl has never ridden a horse, she should ride docile Betsy today.
  2. My Uncle Frank plays a docile role in his marriage and never gives my Aunt Helen a difficult time about anything.

Is timid a positive connotation?

timid – (neutral) a person who is nervous and shy. prudent – (positive) a person who avoids taking risks and is careful. cowardly – (negative) a person who is too scared to take risks.

Is docile a adjective?

docile adjective – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com.

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Does docile mean friendly?

docile | Intermediate English calm in manner and easy to control: They have a big dog, but he’s real friendly and docile.

What part of speech is docile?

DOCILE (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Why do you think it is important to be docile?

Docility is an integral part of prudence because one who is teachable is able to learn how to interpret how one should act. Docility shifts the educational focus away from the teacher who knows something to the learner who wants to know.

How to use positive connotations to your advantage?

Positive connotations, like negative connotations, can be used to your advantage but keep in mind how you are going to use it. For example, you are writing a script for a thriller movie. How can you make it thrilling if you are using words that exude nothing but positive vibes?

What is the connotation of positive and negative connotation?

Positive connotation: The new manager has this air of confidence when he entered the office on his first day of work. Negative connotation word counterpart: arrogance. Positive connotation: The mechanic said that the refrigerator and the air conditioner is still repairable.

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Should you use positive connotation when writing a comedy script?

However, if you are indeed writing a script for a comedy, it is best if you take advantage of words that have positive connotations because it lightens the mood of your script and story line. What is a Positive Connotation? Connotation signifies another idea or meaning of a word depending on its usage.