
Is it vital for an English teacher to sound like a native English speaker inside the classroom Why or why not?

Is it vital for an English teacher to sound like a native English speaker inside the classroom Why or why not?

As it is their native language, no-one will be able to speak it quite like them. Talking to an English teacher will also improve your listening ability. To correctly speak the language, the details of pronunciation are very important. We guarantee that with the help of a native, you will achieve this.

Why can’t native English speakers understand me?

Reason #5: You speak English with less confidence than you do in your native language. The last reason that native English speakers might not understand you is because you speak English with less confidence than you do in your native language. We’ve all been there!

Are You too scared to speak with a native speaker?

Most people say they want to speak with a native speaker, but are actually too scared to. In fact, for most people, this is the biggest barrier to fluency. Because of this, they either resist looking for opportunities to speak, or when they get the chance, they freeze up or find an excuse not to practice.

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Can a foreigner acquire all sounds produced by a native speaker?

A foreigner can cultivate many aspects of English and can attain good proficiency. But, he can not ever acquire all sounds produced by a native speaker. The foreigner faces a problem in bringing into his pattern many of the tones of the first language speaker. Similarly, the quality of his Vowel sounds may also differ.

Are native speakers at a disadvantage in a lingua franca situation?

“Native speakers are at a disadvantage when you are in a lingua franca situation,” where English is being used as a common denominator, says Jennifer Jenkins, professor of global Englishes at the UK’s University of Southampton. “It’s the native English speakers that are having difficulty understanding and making themselves understood.”