
Is there such a thing as gang stalking?

Is there such a thing as gang stalking?

Gang stalking does not exist, but if gang stalking exists it is retaliation for whistleblowing. The message is, if you are a whistleblower you are asking to be gang stalked. So it is your own fault. A slightly adjacent theory is, you are being gang stalked because you ticked of a policeman or someone with connections.

What is anchoring in organized gang stalking?

In Organized Gang Stalking, Anchoring is used to make the target have fear with things happening in your daily life that’s considered to be normal. That can be done with frequent demonstrations. The key is the frequency just like other Organized Gang Stalking methods.

How can I overcome gang-stalking and harassment?

By confronting and solving these two problems — a lack of evidence and overly emotional and irrational responses — you can better empower yourself, and ideally minimize the effects that the gang-stalking and harassment have on you.

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Is stalking and harassment illegal?

Despite what the leaders or members of Stalking and Harassment groups say or believe, all forms of Stalking and Harassment are illegal. Stalking can be defined as a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact, or any other course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear.

What do the gangstalkers want to do?

The GANGSTALKERS want to CONFRONT and ENGAGE the Targeted Individual in person through conversation and interaction. The GANGSTALKERS seek opportunity to insert themselves into the life of the Targeted Individual.

What is Level 3 gang stalking?

3. GANGSTALKED (CONFRONTATION And ENGAGEMENT) At this level, the GANSTALKERS enter the personal space of the Targeted Individual in some cases for insincere intimate relationships and insincere friendships. The GANGSTALKERS want to CONFRONT and ENGAGE the Targeted Individual in person through conversation and interaction.

What is the gangstalking program?

SATAN is the English pronunciation. The GANGSTALKING program is designed to psychologically manipulate and physically manipulate the life of the Targeted Individual. The community around the Targeted Individual will be manipulated to HATE.

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Is Scientology’s “gang stalking” a copy of Fair Game?

It is an astonishing coincidence that the methods of gang stalking are a virtual carbon copy of Scientology’s Fair Game. The authorities know Fair Game exists, in fact it was referred to by a film of that name. But the identical gang stalking, to the authorities, does not exist.

How can I protect myself from organized gang stalking?

Protect yourself from organized gang stalking, learn to fight back, and practice peaceful-but highly informed-non-violent resistance. Document gang stalking for a civil lawsuit: Of all the difficult tasks any individual could ever imagine, certainly, documenting organized gang stalking for a civil lawsuit is one of the hardest.

How do you know if you are being stalked by someone?

If you feel you’re being watched, or you often recognize the same person in a crowd, you may be under the surveillance of a stalker. Stalking Sign #3: Repeated Phone Calls Numerous phone calls from someone you aren’t seeing socially on a regular basis can spell danger. How much is too much?

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How does a stalker manipulate a victim into contact?

Stalkers look for any way to interact with their victims. Some even try to manipulate the object of their stalking into contact by filing a frivolous lawsuit. These legal tactics can range from the ridiculous to the ruthless. The stalker draws you into his orbit by forcing you to defend yourself.

What should you do if you’re stalked by a stalker?

Kris Mohandie, a stalking expert and police psychologist, says a common reaction to stalking behaviors can be for the victim to ignore the stalker’s menacing behavior and hope they go away. Unfortunately, he says, this doesn’t work with stalkers who are already violating the boundaries of normal behavior and making their targets feel unsafe.

How many people are involved in group stalking?

By contrast, reports of group or gang-stalking describe stalking by multiple individuals who engage in a shared endeavour with a group purpose. For research purposes, the number is taken as three or more, although in many instances those suffering from the phenomenon have reported the involvement of far greater numbers [5].