
Was the Tiger tank scene in Fury realistic?

Was the Tiger tank scene in Fury realistic?

No the scene in Fury where they fight the Tiger tank is not realistic.

Is a Tiger tank realistically as effective against Sherman tanks as shown in Fury if so what makes them so effective?

Tiger, realistically, is extremely effective doing “one shot kill” against nearly any tank (and any sherman that was thrown at it), considering the fact that the Tiger I and II had a very powerful 88mm cannon that can basically penetrate through nearly any tank that was thrown against it, well, nearly everything…

Is Fury a realistic war movie?

Fury does show accurately how Shermans went into battle: spread out. And the film conveys the excitement of combat. The first time I was shot at in my life was that 88 round coming through the armor—totally mind-boggling. I could relate to the new soldier in the movie who six weeks before had been studying typing.

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Was Fury filmed in a tank?

Ten working M4 Sherman tanks were used. The Sherman tank Fury was played by an M4A3 HVSS Sherman tank named RON/HARRY (T224875), also lent by The Tank Museum.

Could a Sherman 76 destroy Tigers?

Yes and it was about the only way a 75mm Sherman could at any range, A 76 mm Sherman could penetrate the front of a Tiger 1 at about 600 m or less and the sides at most combat ranges if it could get a good straight shot with HVAP which was not issued in the numbers it should have after Normandy.

Is Fury inaccurate?

Partially, the first part of the movie is relatively accurate, much more accurate than your standard war movie. But as the movie gets very inaccurate during the battle with the tiger. The US doctrine is spot on, they (Wardaddy and CO.) tried to break contact, but then they couldn’t, so the charged it to get behind it.

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Did they use real Sherman’s in Fury?

During a scene in “Fury,” four M4 tanks go head-to-head with one Tiger I, and only one M4 survives the fight. Both tanks used in the film — the Sherman M4A3E8 and the Tiger 131 — are real, and belong to the Tank Museum in Bovington, England.

How realistic is the Tiger tank in fury?

For Bill, the scene in which this Tiger tank takes on three US counterparts was the most realistic part of the film. Fury accurately portrays how superior the German tanks were. A Sherman provided you with protection against most enemy fire but against a Tiger it could easily become your coffin.

How realistic was the Battle of bullfury?

Fury was a bizarre mix of hyper-realistic detail laid over an absurd plot. Of the tank battles the one against the Tiger was the most plausible. The US tanks did fire smoke, which was realistic. The two sides charging each other was less likely. The battle in the field with the AT guns was just ridiculous.

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What do you think about the movie Fury?

Fury shows just how vulnerable you were fighting in a Sherman tank. There is a lot of blood and gore in the film but nothing can really come close to the true horrors of tank warfare. I saw people being blown up and burnt alive. Going to see Fury you don’t get that dreadful, nauseating smell of burnt flesh.

How does freedomfury portray how superior the German tanks were?

Fury accurately portrays how superior the German tanks were. A Sherman provided you with protection against most enemy fire but against a Tiger it could easily become your coffin. I remember a very near miss where an eight cm shell from a Tiger tank went within inches of our turret and we decided not to stay around too long after that.