
Was Vitiate more powerful than Palpatine?

Was Vitiate more powerful than Palpatine?

Palpatine is a master duelist and is confirmed to be more powerful than Vitiate.

Is Vitiate the most powerful Sith?

He was able to defeat Master Yoda in combat, manipulate the Jedi Council, help create Darth Vader, and become the Supreme Emperor of the galaxy. He probably is the strongest Sith in canon. Although though he has quite a few titles and names under his belt, his most infamous name was Darth Vitiate.

Is vitiate still alive?

After Marka Ragnos died, and the Sith Empire lost the Great Hyperspace War against the Galactic Republic, Lord Vitiate called all living Sith Lords to his world to perform a ritual to wipe out the Republic….Vitiate.

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Biographical information
Birth 1460 BTC 5113 BBY
Death 3630 BBY (final death)
Status Deceased

How did Vitiate become so powerful?

Following Naga Sadow’s defeat in the Great Hyperspace War, Vitiate lured the remaining Sith Lords to Nathema and, in an elaborate ritual, drained their life essence and that of the entire planet, increasing his powers and prolonging his life.

How did Tenebrae become so strong?

Around the age of six, Tenebrae began to manifest signs of strength in the Force, which raised the suspicions of his farmer stepfather, as neither he nor his wife were Force-sensitive.

What happened to Lord Vitiate?

Shedding his identity as Lord Vitiate, the self-proclaimed Sith Emperor led the scattered Sith survivors to Dromund Kaas and established a new Sith Empire. As the Empire secretly expanded over the next thousand years, the Emperor discovered the lost world of Zakuul and the Eternal Fleet —an ancient armada with unmatched technology.

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How did valkorion become Eternal Empire?

Dissatisfied with Sith ideology, the Emperor divided his consciousness into a Zakuulan warrior named Valkorion and created a vast civilization known as the Eternal Empire.

Who is Tenebrae in Star Wars?

Born in 5113 BBY as the illegitimate Sith son of Lord Dramath in the Old Sith Empire, Tenebrae carved a path of destruction across the planet Medriaas, torturing and massacring thousands by the age of ten. When Dramath confronted him, Tenebrae severed his father’s power and imprisoned his spirit for millennia of torment.