
What advice would you give a 20 year old?

What advice would you give a 20 year old?

Enjoy yourself, but also study hard and don’t do anything you may later regret. Learn as much as you can in all fields. Explore and don’t be afraid to try new ideas. Be in life what you would like to be!

What should a 30 year old know?

20 things 30-year-olds should remember

  • You need to change your concept of “old” Once upon a time you might have thought 30 was old.
  • Don’t settle.
  • Don’t take yourself so seriously.
  • Don’t say, “easy for you to say”
  • Be helpful.
  • Be open to help.
  • Be humble.
  • Don’t be afraid of technology.

What advice would you give to your 21 year old self?

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Advice to My 21-year-old Self

  • Figure out your own measure of success.
  • Keep reading books out of pure interest.
  • Don’t take relationships for granted.
  • Fight-or-flight is not a long-term relationship strategy.
  • Don’t bother buying things to impress other people.
  • It’s okay to trust your own gut.

What should a 22 year old do?

My Advice to 22 Year-Olds

  • Challenge the known and embrace the unknown.
  • Be brief.
  • Tell stories, do demos, and use pictures.
  • Don’t sweat your first job.
  • Live in the present, work for the future.
  • Make your boss look good.
  • Continue to learn.
  • Don’t get married too soon.

How should a 30 year old behave?

30 Life Changes You Should Make After 30

  1. Create a Budget.
  2. Exercise Regularly.
  3. Get Serious About Paying Off Debt.
  4. Consider Buying Instead of Renting.
  5. Do More Cooking at Home.
  6. Stop Your Bad Habits.
  7. Invest in Quality Kitchen Essentials.
  8. Get to Know Yourself Again.

What would you tell your 20 year old self?

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I would love to tell my 20-year old Self: Accept yourself the way you are. Don´t waste your energy comparing yourself to others. Don´t be with anybody, who is not seeing your worth. Love yourself more and forgive yourself for mistakes in the past.

What should I do as a 22 year old?

My Advice to 22 Year-Olds

  1. Challenge the known and embrace the unknown.
  2. Be brief.
  3. Tell stories, do demos, and use pictures.
  4. Don’t sweat your first job.
  5. Live in the present, work for the future.
  6. Make your boss look good.
  7. Continue to learn.
  8. Don’t get married too soon.

What should I have accomplished by 21?

21 Things to Be Doing by the Time You’re 21

  • Mature Drinking. I get it, you just turned 21 and want to get wasted at the bars.
  • Cook.
  • Balance Your Diet.
  • Keep Your House Clean.
  • Choose Your Friends Wisely.
  • Converse Like an Adult.
  • Buy Some Nice Clothes.
  • Read Some Books.
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What should I do at 21?

21 Things You Can Do At 21

  • Change Your ID. Once you turn 21, you can finally get your adult license.
  • Hit The Casino. I wouldn’t recommend it, but hey, if you want to press your luck, you can finally do so legally.
  • Book A Hotel Room.
  • Travel.
  • Buy Liquor From A Store.
  • Drink With Your Parents.
  • Drink At Disney.
  • Hit The Club.