
What are some good villain motives?

What are some good villain motives?

7 Motives for Villains

  • Romance. Yes, villains can fall in love just like the rest of us.
  • Revenge/Justice.
  • To Keep or Gain Acceptance.
  • Fear.
  • Desperation.
  • Altruism.
  • The Chosen One.

What do you call a villain that turns good?

redeemed villain
A redeemed villain, otherwise known as a villain turned to the good side or former villain, is usually the end result of an antagonist exposed to a Purely Good hero, a Messiah, a Hope Bringer, and occasionally a Charismatic Hero.

Why do villains become villains?

A villain is the opposite of a hero. A villain is the antagonist of your story whose motivations and actions oppose the protagonist and drive the plot of your story. In contrast to the hero, a villain is usually compelled by a desire to commit acts of cruelty and immorality.

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What are some things villains do?

Villain Characteristics Checklist:

  • He’s convinced he’s the good guy.
  • He has many likeable qualities.
  • He’s a worthy enough opponent to make your hero look good.
  • You (and your reader) like when he’s on stage.
  • He’s clever and accomplished enough that people must lend him begrudging respect.
  • He can’t be a fool or a bumbler.

What do super villains do?

A supervillain is the antithesis of a superhero. In instances where the supervillain does not have superhuman, mystical, or alien powers, the supervillain may possess a genius intellect or a skill set that allows him to draft complex schemes or commit crimes in a way normal humans cannot.

What is a true villain?

A villain is a bad person — real or made up. In books, movies, current events, or history, the villain is the character who does mean, evil things on purpose. Today a villain is a wicked person, whether in fact or fiction.

What’s a anti-villain?

The term is strictly defined as a character who has heroic goals, personality traits, and virtues but is ultimately villainous. Their desired ends might seem promising, or like they would build toward a utopia, but the means that they use to get there are evil.

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Why does a villain want power?

Often, power is a core character motivation. Villains often gain power over others because: Villains corrupt others and rope them into their own corruption (Sauron in The Lord of the Rings, who effectively rallies armies by giving others a share of the spoils or the power)

Why do villains want to rule the world?

They take over the world to have the power to keep control. Maybe something that’s happened in the past, that they wish they could have prevented. Maybe, they just want things to be just so. Or, they’ve seen wrongs in the world, and would like to correct it.

What do you call someone who wants to destroy the world?

Put simply, the Omnicidal Maniac is a villain whose main plan and motive is “destroy the world”. He actively seeks the destruction of whatever world the setting is based in, does it as an end unto itself, has the ability to do so, and is both aware of what he’s doing and fully motivated to do so.

Why doesn’t the villain work?

If he isn’t working, it’s because you’ve made him the villain only because he’s a bad person. He does evil things because he’s evil. That’s too easy. Change your thinking. Try something revolutionary. If you just can’t understand truly villainous people, try this: Put yourself in their place. “Wait!” you say.

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Who is the villain in my Hero Academia?

Stain was the notorious villain in the world of My Hero Academia. He is a vigilante turned villain who is known as the Hero Killer. He has killed 17 pro heroes and crippled more than 23 pro heroes including the brother of Tenya, Tensei Iida.

Do anime villains have a point?

Everybody loves when a hero stands up and end the evil doings of a villain. But in the world of anime, everything is not always black and white. There are a lot of villains that have become a fan favorite due to their 2 sided personalities and relatable characteristics. Here are 10 anime villains who had a point.

Do you prefer heroes or villains?

Most readers are looking to find a great hero when they pick up a book, but I personally have always preferred a good villain. My parents are fond of reminding me that, as a child, I developed a great love for the hyenas in The Lion King.