
What are some paid Scopus indexed journals which are very easy to publish?

What are some paid Scopus indexed journals which are very easy to publish?

Top 4 Scopus Indexed Journals for Easy Publication – How to Publish Paper in Scopus Indexed Journal

  • International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems.
  • Walailak Journal of Science and Technology.
  • Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems.

How do I publish my SCI journal?

7 steps to publishing in a scientific journal

  1. Do not rush submitting your article for publication.
  2. Select an appropriate publication outlet.
  3. Read the aims and scope and author guidelines of your target journal carefully.
  4. Make a good first impression with your title and abstract.

How do I start a Scopus indexed journal?

How to apply to have a journal indexed in Scopus

  1. Publish peer-reviewed content and have publicly available peer review policies/processes listed on its website.
  2. Have content relevant to an international readership (Note: Titles matter!
  3. Provide English-language abstracts and titles.
  4. Include references in Roman script.
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Is it hard to publish in Scopus?

As mentioned earlier, the vast majority of researchers still believe that getting their papers published in Scopus journals is easy and does not require much effort. Such people more often than not, learn the hard way (through repeated rejections) that this is not so.

Where can I easily publish my research paper?

Finding places to publish

  • Omni. Discover who is already writing on your topic and where they are publishing.
  • Ulrichsweb.com.
  • JANE – Journal/Author Name Estimator.
  • Manuscript Matcher.
  • Journal Citation Reports.
  • JournalGuide.
  • Cofactor Journal Selector.
  • Open Access Journal Finder by Enago.

How long does it take to get published in a journal?

Typically the acceptance of a research article by any standard journal takes anywhere between 6 months to one year. There are some open access journals that can accept the research articles in two to three months of time. Actually, there are several websites reveal the journal review speed.

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Can anyone publish a scientific paper?

In theory, yes. There are no requirements that an author needs to have an academic title or education. Neither does one have to be affiliated to a university or other form or research institute.

Is it easy to publish in Scopus?

Which indexing of journal is best?

Here are some of the most reputed journal indexing agencies where you can check the indexing and apply for it.

  • Google Scholar.
  • Scopus.
  • PubMed.
  • EBSCO.
  • DOAJ.
  • ISI Indexing.

How long does publishing take in Scopus?

Usually , it takes 2-4 weeks to be indexed in Scopus.

Is Scopus a good journal?

Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed research literature, introduced by Elsevier in the year 2004. Several research scholars consider it as a high quality source for contemporary data analyses as it includes almost all the science journals covered under WOS.

Can I retrieve published articles from Scie journal in Thomson Reuters?

Dear Siti Fairuz, the link you provided indicates that this journal is being monitored for future inclusion in Thomson Reuters major services such as SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded). However, the published articles by such journal cannot be retrieved in Thomson Reuters.

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What is the Thomson Reuters Journal Index?

This database created by Thomson Reuters company regularly indexes thousands of various scientific journals and periodicals, that’s exactly why many specialists and researchers give preference to it when developing new materials or for the purpose of improvement in their qualification.

How do I publish in a SCI journal?

Hi,Publishing in an SCI journal is more or less the same as publishing in any journal. You select a journal appropriate to your field and area of research and then frame a paper according to the format recommended by the journal and then go on to submit your article.SCI journals are generally viewed as hard to publish in.

What is the Scientific Citation Index (SCI)?

The SCI is published by the International Scientific Information Inc (ISI), who are part of Thomson & Reuters. Dr. Eugene Garfield created and launched in 1964 as science’s first citation index for papers published in academic journals.