
What are the chances of becoming a Kpop trainee?

What are the chances of becoming a Kpop trainee?

There is probably less than 0.01\% chance of becoming a trainee, entering the debut group after the training period, getting to debut, and becoming successful afterwards. That’s why being a successful idol is less likely than winning the lottery.

Can I become a K-Pop trainee?

Some trainees start as young as 11 years old, but many don’t get discovered and join a company until they’re in their late teens, so don’t despair if you’re a little older! Many K-pop trainees and idols are Korean, but it’s not an absolute requirement to be Korean – people of all ethnicities and races can audition.

How do you beat Kpop auditions?

  1. Dress well. Don’t turn up in your pyjamas, but also don’t go full Lady Gaga!
  2. Get used to the waiting.
  3. Be prepared to expect the unexpected.
  4. Don’t perform a song done by a company’s artist.
  5. Pick a song that’s suited to you (and your voice)
  6. It’s not the end of the world if you don’t get in first time around.
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Can non-Koreans audition for K-pop entertainment companies?

However, due to COVID-19, many are holding their auditions online. Many of these auditions are open to all nationalities as K-pop entertainment companies know it is smart to have at least one member in the group be a non-Korean which will help them expand into that particular market.

What to do when you’re going through an audition?

Our Backstage Experts know a thing or two about what you’re going through; take a deep breath, follow the four pieces of advice below, and move onto the next audition! 1. Keep an audition diary. “I’ve been an agent for over 10 years, and I’m still surprised that actors are so inept at keeping records.

How do K-pop idols get cast?

Most of the K-Pop idols start their career through a regular audition process held by individual or collaboration labels, but a rare few have the silliest stories on how they were cast by agencies! With thousands and thousands of auditions and casting going on each year, there’s got to be weird and unique casting stories.

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How does the talent audition process work?

Once we’ve seen all of the talent audition, the headshots go on the table and the voting process begins. Then the clients who are in the session take the votes back to their colleagues at their respective offices. They will present their top picks to the main company who will view the audition clips and make a decision.