
What are the core beliefs of Masons?

What are the core beliefs of Masons?

Freemasonry is built upon the core tenets of Brotherly love and affection, relief, and truth. Through a commitment to these values, all Freemasons share the common goal of making good men better.

What are the Masons rules?

Basic qualifications

  • You must believe in a supreme being.
  • You must be joining of your own free will.
  • You must be a man.
  • You must be free-born.
  • You must be of lawful age.
  • You must come recommended by at least two existing Freemasons from the lodge you’re petitioning.

What is Masonic relief?

Masonic relief is intended to assist an individual or family when a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action for which there are no known community resources available to meet the need or the urgency of the situation.

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Why don’t men reveal the secrets of Freemasonry?

Men who wish to do harm can generally find a reason. The Masonic fraternity is made up almost entirely of honorable, trustworthy and gentle men, but we are men and men make mistakes. In short, there is no definitive proof of any man ever coming to a weird end for divulging the secrets of Freemasonry, and there never will be.

What do masons not talk about?

When meeting, Masons do not discuss religion or politics. “There are certain subjects which are prevented or we simply proscribe from discussing within the lodge,” Piers Vaughan, master of St. John’s Lodge #1 in New York, told Mo Rocca. “And religion is one.

What is the Catholic Church’s stance on Freemasonry?

In 1738 the Catholic Church condemned Freemasonry, and has since issued about 20 decrees — directly or indirectly — against the fraternity. In 1983 Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (the future Pope Benedict XVI) re-affirmed this position. 4.

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What are the origins of Freemasonry?

The origins of Freemasonry are lost in time. We know that modern day Freemasonry began with the founding of the United Grand Lodge of England in 1717 because records have been kept since that time.