
What are your thoughts about revenge?

What are your thoughts about revenge?

His research results showed that the only situation when acting on revenge was more satisfying than not acting on revenge was when the offender understood and acknowledged why the act of revenge had occurred. He described this “understanding hypothesis” as reestablishing justice.

Is it a good idea to take revenge?

The answer is that far from an evolutionary mistake, revenge serves a very useful purpose. Michael McCullough puts it this way: although people might say seeking revenge “is really bad for you” – that it might ruin your relationships, for example – the fact that it exists at all is a very good thing.

What to do when you feel like taking revenge?

Take out your anger in a constructive way. Anger and hatred often accompany the desire for revenge. Try finding a healthy outlet for these negative emotions. Try doing an activity that brings you joy or listening to music that matches your feelings. You could also try cooking or writing a poem.

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What are the effects of revenge?

“When someone persists in revenge fantasies, over time they can develop anxiety and remorse, as well as feelings of shame,” says California-based psychotherapist Beverly Engel, who treats clients who have been abused and often struggle with vengeful thoughts.

What is the best revenge in life?

Success can often be deemed the best revenge because you’re not even the one having to tell others about it. As you work in silence, your success makes the noise for you. Others begin to champion your accomplishments, telling those around you just what you were able to accomplish and achieve.

Is the Best revenge Living Well?

“Living well is the best revenge” is a quote from George Herbert, a 16th century poet. I don’t know what his motive or meaning was, but my interpretation which I apply to my own life is that to do so means making the best of whatever life throws at us, and making it count.

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What is the value of revenge?

274). Revenge does not undo the harm, but it can restore the balance of suffering between the victim and the transgressor. Revenge can also help restore the balance of power between the victim and the transgressor (Frijda, 1994). By inflicting harm, transgressors imply that their victims are unworthy of respect.

What is the sentence of revenge?

Examples of revenge in a Sentence Verb a man who took matters into his own hands and revenged the death of his brother Noun She swore that she would have her revenge. She wants revenge against her enemies. The bombing was in revenge for the assassination of their leader.

Why do I feel the urge to take revenge?

Thoughts of revenge apparently feel good and may be a basic human instinct, perhaps to help us survive. Accept your urges and thoughts of revenge as a basic human response related to trust. article continues after advertisement Trust is important in any relationship and critical for cooperative societies.

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Is rerevenge a good or bad thing?

Revenge can be a strong urge, but you may not feel better if you act on it. Understanding how emotions and thoughts influence behavior is important for people who have intense emotions and are often ruled by them.

What is the difference between trust and revenge?

Trust is important in any relationship and critical for cooperative societies. When you are thinking about revenge, it usually means you believe trust has been broken. Remember, while the anticipation of revenge may feel pleasurable, the actual carrying out of revenge brings little satisfaction and may create more problems and suffering.

Can revenge be satisfying for the Avenger?

After considering the studies that found revenge wasn’t so sweet for the avenger, Mario Gollwitzer still thought there were some situations in which revenge could be satisfying. He considered two possibilities. One was that revenge alone wasn’t enough for the avenger to have satisfaction.
