
What do Jehovahs Witnesses hate?

What do Jehovahs Witnesses hate?

Jehovah’s Witnesses have also been criticized because they reject blood transfusions, even in life-threatening medical situations, and they have also been accused of failing to report cases of sexual abuse to the authorities.

Why do Christians dislike Jehovah Witnesses?

The very apparent disagreement between Jehovah’s witnesses and Christians is their view of Jesus Christ. Similarities in both will end in the belief that Jesus is the son of God and also divine. Yet, JW strongly affirm that Jesus is not God and, though divine, is not equal and always below God.

Are Jehovah Witnesses strict?

The Witnesses’ teachings stress strict separation from secular government. Although they are generally law-abiding, believing that governments are established by God to maintain peace and order, they refuse on biblical grounds to observe certain laws.

Should Jehovah’s Witnesses “avoid independent thinking”?

Jehovah’s Witnesses are told to “avoid independent thinking” (See The Watchtower, January 15, 1983, pp. 22, 27) and to believe whatever the Watchtower teaches—regardless of the fact that the Watchtower has changed its position on numerous doctrines so that what is published as “truth” today may be revealed as “error” tomorrow.

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What is the Jehovah’s Witness view of the outside world?

The Jehovah’s Witness view of the outside world is a very a dark one. The Watchtower association is likened to the ark of Noah (the only place of safety), and the outside world is seen as a “system dominated by Satan the Devil” whose end at the battle of Armageddon is imminent.

Are Jehovah’s Witnesses honest about the truth?

While most individual Jehovah’s Witnesses are nice people, we have found that the Watchtower organization itself is not honest in its presentation of “the Truth.” Not only is the Bible Jehovah’s Witnesses use, the New World Translation ( NWT) distorted, but many of the doctrines they teach do not line up with Scripture.

What happens when you leave the Watchtower?

Once you become baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, if you ever decide to leave the Watchtower, you will be viewed as an “apostate” —someone who is in “rebellion against Jehovah.”