
What do they say about people with big feet?

What do they say about people with big feet?

MOST people know the phrase “you know what they say about men with big feet”, but is this cheeky saying true? It turns out, from a 1993 Canadian study, that there was no strong correlation between penis and foot size. Scientists noted: “Height and foot size would not serve as practical estimators of penis length.”

What do they say about a girl with big feet?

Larger female feet are not only literally regarded as a sexual turn-off but, when referred to in proverbs, they usually stand for something else. “Never marry a woman with bigger feet than your own. Don’t marry the one with the big feet, because she is your fellow male.

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Do big feet really mean?

The short answer is no. Ample scientific research has confirmed that there is no statistically significant relationship between how big someone’s feet are and the length of their penis. “Penis size is not correlated with or predicted by shoe size or any other body part for that matter.

What do they say about a man’s foot size?

Despite the widespread myth, however, they found there was no significant correlation between the men’s shoe size and penile length. This study appears in the October issue of British Journal of Urology International. But just as one myth about men’s manhood is put to rest, another one may now take its place.

What are big feet good for?

BIG FEET HELP YOU TO BE A BETTER ATHLETE It’s like having your own built-in pair of flippers! If you’re a runner, it’s been shown that you’re better able to sprint if you have larger feet. It has to do with the size of your toes. Prominent feet may also support better balance, especially on uneven terrain.

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Does big feet mean your tall?

Originally Answered: Do bigger feet mean a taller height? Not necessarily. Very often foot size and height systematically so-vary, but it’s possible to be tall and have small feet or be short, and have larger feet.

Do big feet indicate height?

In fact, there’s no reliable way to predict a teen’s ultimate height with any precision, according to Shmerling. So, while shoe size is a poor predictor of ultimate height, there is a relationship that exists between the two. The formula for boys is height in centimeters equals 4.5 times shoe size plus 140.