
What do you call a person who is willing to compromise?

What do you call a person who is willing to compromise?

Willing or prone to give way to the influence of others. flexible. accommodating. acquiescent. amenable.

What is a compromise person?

If you compromise with someone, you reach an agreement with them in which you both give up something that you originally wanted. You can also say that two people or groups compromise.

What is willingness to compromise?

Willingness to compromise is defined as the propensity to accept an alternative career- related option that was not one’s initially desired option.

Which word means almost the same as compromise *?

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Synonyms for compromise. accommodation, concession, give-and-take, negotiation.

How do we call someone who refuses to agree?

refusing to agree or compromise; uncompromising; inflexible.

What do you call someone who refuses learning?

1. Ignorant, illiterate, unlettered, uneducated mean lacking in knowledge or in training. Ignorant may mean knowing little or nothing, or it may mean uninformed about a particular subject: An ignorant person can be dangerous.

What does it mean to be immunocompromised?

With so much attention on this one group, a question remains in the minds of many: What does it actually mean to be immunocompromised? Simply put, it’s when your immune system isn’t working as well as it should to protect you from infection—or that your immune system can’t distinguish between normal and foreign cells.

What is compromise in psychology?

in psychoanalytic theory, the conscious form of a repressed wish or idea that has been modified or disguised, as in a dream or symptom, so as to be unrecognizable. This serves to protect the person from the perceived feeling of anxiety, conscious or unconscious. …

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What is the root of compromise?

Compromise comes from the Latin compromissum, which means “mutual promise.” It can be a noun or a verb.

Why is compromise important in a relationship?

Good compromises help you and your partner grow together as a team. They foster trust, accountability, consistency, and security in your relationship. A compromise shows that you have a common goal in mind: a healthy partnership, rather than your own singular happiness at heart.

What’s the opposite of compromised?

What is the opposite of compromised?

secured indemnified
protected saved

What are 2 synonyms for compromise?

synonyms for compromise

  • accommodation.
  • accord.
  • adjustment.
  • arrangement.
  • bargain.
  • concession.
  • deal.
  • pact.

What does it mean to compromise with someone?

1a : to come to agreement by mutual concession The two sides were unwilling to compromise. The union and employer agreed to compromise. b : to find or follow a way between extremes. 2 : to make a shameful or disreputable concession wouldn’t compromise with their principles.

When do you decide not to compromise in a conflict?

If you and I have no strong feelings or reasons not to compromise, we may decide on 11:45 am. Win-win; no problem. On the other hand, when conflicts involve longer-term issues, tensions, or unsatisfying patterns of behavior people are more resistant to making compromises or carrying out the compromised agreement.

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Why are some people resistant to making compromises?

On the other hand, when conflicts involve longer-term issues, tensions, or unsatisfying patterns of behavior people are more resistant to making compromises or carrying out the compromised agreement.

How would you describe a person who is uncompromising?

You might be looking for perfectionist, overachiever, or hard-linerfor a noun. Uncompromisingwould work as an adjective. As for idioms, this could work: He doesn’t know how to lose. (Implies that he literally hasn’t experienced loss, he doesn’t know how to act appropriately when he does lose, or that he is incapable of not giving everything to win)