
What do you do when your ex friend wants to be friends again?

What do you do when your ex friend wants to be friends again?

Think about what you will say to your ex best friend if they ever mention being friends again.

  1. Practice saying something like “I am flattered that you want to be my friend again, but I think it’s best we don’t go there,” in front of the mirror.
  2. Apply this to social media as well by declining any friend requests.

What do you say when someone wants to be your friend again?

Offer your friendship.

  1. You can say something like “I’m so sorry, again, for hurting you, but I don’t want this to end our friendship. Will you be my best friend again?”
  2. Don’t present this as an ultimatum and don’t make them decide in the moment unless they want to.

How do you say no to someone who wants to reconnect?

It can be as simple as letting her know that now’s not the best time for you to get back in touch. “I’m so sorry, that won’t work for me right now” or “Thanks so much asking, but I’m going to have to decline” will do the trick just fine.

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How do you save a broken friendship?

6 Ways to Mend a Broken Friendship and Have a Best friend for…

  1. Open up about your feelings. No one can understand your feelings if you never talk about them— even if they are your best friends for years.
  2. Do apologize. We make mistakes.
  3. Give them some time.
  4. Listen to their opinions.
  5. Reminisce.
  6. See the changes.

How do you rekindle a broken friendship?

How do you turn down a friend who asked you out?

Girl Talk: 7 Ways to Say “No” When A Guy Friend Asks You Out

  1. Be Honest – No Lies, Excuses or Cliches.
  2. Stress How Much The Friendship Means To You.
  3. Compliment Him To Soften The Blow.
  4. Don’t Start Avoiding Him.
  5. Try Not To Discuss It Too Much With Mutual Friends.
  6. Don’t Flaunt Other Guys In His Face Right Away.