
What do you mean by emasculation Class 12?

What do you mean by emasculation Class 12?

Emasculation is the process of removing anthers from bisexual flowers without affecting the female reproductive part (pistil), which is employed in various plant hybridization techniques. For the removal of the anthers, the flowers are covered with a bag before they open.

What do you mean emasculation?

Definition of emasculate transitive verb. 1 : to deprive of strength, vigor, or spirit : weaken. 2 : to deprive of virility or procreative power : castrate.

What is emasculation Class 9 ICSE?

Emasculation is removal of anthers from young bisexual flower before it releases pollen grains.

What is emasculation and bagging Class 12?

By emasculation the female flower can be artificially pollinated by the desired pollen grains. This is a process used during artificial hybridisation. Bagging : The emasculated flower is enclosed in a bag to avoid pollination by any unwanted pollen. This is called bagging.

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Why is emasculation done in the evening?

Emasculation is to be done in the evening hours before the anthers are dehisce and stigma is likely to become fully receptive. Pollination: During pollination, mature, fertile and viable pollen from the male parents are placed on the receptive stigma of the emasculated flowers to bring about fertilization.

What is emasculation in IPC?

Emasculation: ‘Emasculation’ means depriving a person of masculine vigour, castration. Causing injury to the scrotum as would render a man impotent is an offence under Section 320. Emasculation is unsexing the man.

How do you emasculate?

Emasculation is done in the morning immediately after the flowers open. A thin rubber or a glass tube attached to a suction hose is used to suck the anthers from the flowers. The amount of suction used is very important which should be sufficient to suck the pollen and anthers but not gynoecium.

What are the types of emasculation?

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Methods Of Emasculation In Plants

  • Hand Emasculation. In species with large flowers, removal of anthers is possible with the help of forceps.
  • Suction Method. It is useful in species with small flowers.
  • Hot Water Treatment.
  • Alcohol Treatment.

Why is emasculation and bagging done?

Emasculation and bagging ensure that the female flower is completely protected from contamination. Once the flower attains stigma receptivity, the desired pollens are dusted on the stigma. This is resealed for further developments.

Why is emasculation important?

Emasculation aims to prevent self-fertilization of the female parent. Emasculation is very important in artificial hybridization techniques. It ensures that cross pollination takes place in a flower and results in superior off-springs as compared to the parents. It is carried out by crop breeders to improve crops.

Why are plants emasculated?

Removal of stamens or anthers or killing the pollen of a flower without the female reproductive organ is known as emasculation. In bisexual flowers, emasculation is essential to prevent of self-pollination. In species with large flowers e.g. (cotton, pulses) hand emasculation is accurate and it is adequate.