
What does Andover look for in students?

What does Andover look for in students?

Phillips Academy receives 3,000 applications each year but only accepts about 13\%. The admissions committee looks for characteristics of optimism, social agility, perseverance, and resilience in applicants. The school calls an applicant with top scores from the admissions team an “admit six.”

Is Exeter posh?

Exeter is well know for being somewhat of a preppy uni. Full of the Home Counties finest, shipped down to the South West every semester in daddies Range Rover, it is easy to think of Exeter as being one of the poshest establishments going.

Why did you choose Exeter over Andover?

Exeter’s math team has supplied many mathematicians for the USA IMO (International math olympiad) team, and also, Zuming Feng, the leader of the IMO team, is a math instructor at Exeter. As a student of Phillips Andover, I chose Andover over Exeter for many reasons, one of them being the close proximity to Boston compared to Exeter.

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How many counselors are there at Andover?

Andover has 13 counselors, and Exeter 8 and most are new. The average number of counselees per counselor is about 25 at Andover and 40~49 at Exeter. (Exeter student-run newspaper had an interesting examination report on counseling resources and privileges.) It makes sense, or nonsense.

Will Andover support 100\% of a family’s demonstrated need?

The reason we broadcast that Andover will support 100\% of a family’s demonstrated need is to help families understand that Andover does not engage in a common financial aid practice known as “gapping.”

Does Andover have need-blind admission?

With a need-blind admission program, Andover will extend its resources to offer admission to every qualified young person regardless of their families’ ability to pay the cost of an Andover education, and we are proud to say that we meet 100 percent of each admitted student’s demonstrated financial need.