
What does Gandalf say when he is falling?

What does Gandalf say when he is falling?

The Balrog tips forward and is plunged into the depths, but as he disappears he cracks his fiery whip, the thongs of which wrap around Gandalf’s knees, dragging him to the edge and over. As he slides into the abyss he shouts “Fly, you fools!”

Why did Gandalf fall on purpose?

Furthermore, he was too weak as Gandalf the Grey to defeat Saruman. So, he wanted to die in order to get his powers enhanced which will eventually help him serve his utmost purpose. Or maybe, the old man just couldn’t carry the weight of the Durin’s Bane. Hence, he fell down.

What to do with the time that is given to you Gandalf?

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.

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What does Gandalf say when Frodo tries to give him the ring?

Gandalf: “Don’t tempt me Frodo! I dare not take it. Not even to keep it safe. Understand Frodo, I would use this Ring from a desire to do good.

Did Gandalf say run fools?

X/Y Apparently, in the original theatrical release, Gandalf *did* say “Run you fools!”. But for some reason (to be aligned with the book?) they edited this particular scene to say “Fly you fools!” in all subsequent DVD and other releases. The “Run” version was never shown again.

What does Gandalf smoke?

The Wizard Gandalf learned to smoke pipe-weed from the Hobbits and was known to blow elaborate smoke-rings. Saruman initially criticized him for this, but eventually secretly took up smoking himself.

Why did Gandalf sacrifice himself?

So when Gandalf confronts the Balrog on the Bridge of Moria he faces a real and deadly danger. But he realizes the Quest is in peril and so sacrifices himself to ensure their escape; he falls from the bridge and fights the Balrog, but is himself killed.

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What is Gandalf’s famous quote?

A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.
“Fool of a Took!”

What Gandalf see what?

Pippin: “What, Gandalf? See what?” Gandalf: “White shores and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.” | Gandalf the white, The hobbit, Gandalf quotes.

Why is Gandalf afraid of the Ring?

Though someone could start out with good intentions, the Ring would eventually corrupt them. And that is why Gandalf can’t touch it. He is afraid that if he did, it would corrupt him and make him just as bad as Sauron since Sauron put so much of himself and his evil into the One Ring.

What did Gandalf say to Pippin in The Lord of the Rings?

When the Fellowship finds themselves lost in Moria, Gandalf finds their way through using a less than scientific method. He then tells this quote to Pippin, and it just goes to show that he’s not always about being serious. 8 “THE WORLD IS NOT IN YOUR BOOKS AND MAPS.

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What would happen if Gandalf took the ring?

With the Ring, Gandalf says, he would become too powerful, and he would inevitably be corrupted like Sauron himself. Even if Gandalf took the Ring simply for safekeeping, the temptation to use it would be too great. Even if he used the Ring out of a desire to do good, it would corrupt him.

What are the wisest quotes that Gandalf ever said?

Here are the 10 wisest quotes that Gandalf ever said from both the books and the movies. 10 “DO NOT BE TOO EAGER TO DEAL OUT DEATH IN JUDGEMENT.” Gandalf is someone that has a lot more insight into life and death than your average Hobbit or human in the Lord of the Rings. As an Istari, he has an extremely long life similar to the elves.

What did Gandalf say to Frodo about being late?

When Frodo accuses him of being late, Gandalf refuses to cop to this. Instead, he says this hilarious quote about the mentality of wizards and their eccentricity. 2 “ALL WE HAVE TO DECIDE IS WHAT TO DO WITH THE TIME THAT IS GIVEN US.”