
What does IC mean trademark?

What does IC mean trademark?

The numbers after IC, in the context of a trademark application, serve as an indicator of the class of goods or services being protected by the trademark. For example, IC 013, which stands for international class 013, is used as a designator for firearms, ammunition, fireworks, projectiles and explosives.

How do you know what Class A trademark is?

Use the Trademark Identification Manual The USPTO’s trademark identification manual includes a list of USPTO trademark classes. It also provides pre-approved descriptions of products or services that fall into each class.

How many classes of trademark are there?

45 different classes
What is Trademark Class? Trademark is segregated in 45 different classes according to the NICE classification which is also known as International Certification of Goods and Services. Among those 45 classes, 34 classes come under Goods section and 11 classes come under Services section.

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What is IC 044?

International Class 44 mainly includes medical care, hygienic and beauty care given by persons or establishments to human beings and animals. International Class 44 also includes services relating to the fields of agriculture, horticulture and forestry.

What is IC 009 trademark?

International Class 9 mainly includes electronic and digital apparatus used for recording various events, occurrences, and information. It can also include equipment for recording transactions, and even fire-extinguishing apparatus. International Class 9 also includes all computer programs and software.

What is class 44 in trademark?

Therefore, Trademark Class 44 includes mainly medical care, hygienic and beauty care given by persons or establishments to human beings and animals; it also includes services relating to the fields of agriculture, horticulture and forestry.

What is IC 041?

International Class 41 mainly includes services rendered by persons or institutions in the development of the mental faculties of persons or animals, as well as services intended to entertain or to engage the attention.

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What is IC 042?

International Class 42 includes the services of engineers who undertake evaluations, estimates, research and reports in the scientific and technological fields; and scientific research services for medical purposes.

What is the three digit IC number for a trademark?

The three digit IC # will be either of the 45 international trademark classes, 001 through 045. But you may still be looking at the string of numbers that follow US (i.e. US 021 023 026) like you are deciphering code.

What is an IC class 029 trademark?

This is because one trademark can represent a wide variety of goods or services not covered under one single IC designation. For example, Frito Lay is registered under IC classes 029, 046 and 030 because they offer a wide variety of products such as cheese and cracker combinations, popcorn, fried pork snacks, processed nuts, pretzels and salsas.

What is the International Class Code for trademark number 41?

US 100 101 107,” if you suspect that “IC 041” is the international class code 41, you are correct. The three digit IC # will be either of the 45 international trademark classes, 001 through 045. But you may still be looking at the string of numbers that follow US (i.e. US 021 023 026) like you are deciphering code.

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What is the meaning of IC 013?

For example, IC 013, which stands for international class 013, is used as a designator for firearms, ammunition, fireworks, projectiles and explosives. As a result, the IC 013 status might be used by a firearm company when applying for trademark registration. Trademarks designate the origin of goods and services.