
What does it mean when a problem is undecidable?

What does it mean when a problem is undecidable?

An undecidable problem is one that should give a “yes” or “no” answer, but yet no algorithm exists that can answer correctly on all inputs.

What is the difference between a decidable problem and an undecidable problem?

A decision problem is decidable if there exists a decision algorithm for it. Otherwise it is undecidable. To show that a decision problem is decidable it is sufficient to give an algorithm for it.

What is undecidable problem in automata?

Undecidable Problems A problem is undecidable if there is no Turing machine which will always halt in finite amount of time to give answer as ‘yes’ or ‘no’. An undecidable problem has no algorithm to determine the answer for a given input.

What is the name of an unsolvable problem?

“They often come up with solutions for what seemed like unsolvable problems.”…What is another word for unsolvable?

hopeless impossible
insoluble insolvable
insuperable unattainable
undoable unrealizable
difficult impenetrable
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Is there such thing as an unsolvable problem?

There really is no such thing as an unsolvable problem – only untrained or unwilling people. It’s that simple. People either don’t know how or don’t want to for various reasons. Understanding each of these barriers and how to break through them is critical to solving problems.

When we say a problem is decidable give an example of undecidable problem?

Give an example of undecidable problem? algorithm that takes as input an instance of the problem and determines whether the answer to that instance is “yes” or “no”. (eg) of undecidable problems are (1)Halting problem of the TM.

Is Fermat’s theorem Undecidable?

So it looks entirely possible that it is indeed undecidable. But as for proving it, that’s a different matter. The theorem isn’t directly linked to a rapidly increasing sequence, but it might be possible to link it to such a sequence .

What makes a language undecidable?

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For an undecidable language, there is no Turing Machine which accepts the language and makes a decision for every input string w (TM can make decision for some input string though). A decision problem P is called “undecidable” if the language L of all yes instances to P is not decidable.

What do you understand by undecidable problem prove that halting problem of Turing Machine is undecidable?

The Halting Problem is Undecidable: Proof Since there are no assumptions about the type of inputs we expect, the input D to a program P could itself be a program. Compilers and editors both take programs as inputs.