
What does Twin Flame energy feel like?

What does Twin Flame energy feel like?

When you first encounter your twin flame, Spinelli says there will be an intense sense of attraction, recognition, and longing. “Meeting a twin flame often feels like home,” she notes. “They feel familiar—an undeniably intense bond as though you have known them before.”

What is a mirror soul?

Mirror Souls are those who truly are a physical embodiment of our own soul that we have chose to come into union with, in our current lifetime. This is the ultimate destination we are seeking when we feel that pull as if there has always been someone else out there that we are meant to find.

What does self-care really look like?

Self-care looks different for everyone. What’s soothing to one person could be stressful to another. An extrovert may find that socializing with friends is an excellent form of self-care while an introvert would find this draining.

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Is it possible to treat yourself to self-care?

While it’s certainly beneficial to treat yourself once in a while, envision self-care in the form of more sustainable foods like leafy greens, alkaline foods and items that will make you feel energetic and strong. Instead of viewing food as a reward, reframe it as fuel for your body.

Is there a form of self-care that will have lasting effects?

There is not a single form of self-care that will have lasting effects with a sole effort. Nevertheless, your determination may have you eagerly anticipating a tremendous effect. What do you notice from the following statements?

Why are my self-care strategies not sticking?

If your self-care strategies are not sticking, it may be because you are lacking the foundation of self-love. You may be missing aspects of awareness, kindness, and respect that are crucial to foster self-care. Imagine this as an interpersonal relationship instead.