
What German dialect is taught in schools?

What German dialect is taught in schools?

High German (Hochdeutsch, standard German) High German comes from Southern Germany, where the highlands and the Alps are. Hochdeutsch is the most common dialect, taught in schools, used on the TV or news. Those learning German online are taught this dialect, and it is used in many countries.

Do Germans understand dialects?

Yes, Germans with different dialects understand each other, sometimes it takes some effort. Most people can speak High German or at least try to so that everybody understands.

Do people speak Bavarian?

However, there are numerous dialects in German and many of them are native to Bavaria. We explain how to find your way around the Bavarian language landscape. Bavarian is spoken throughout south-eastern Bavaria. It is spoken in the area around Aschaffenburg and west of Augsburg.

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Can all Germans speak High German?

It doesn’t matter how many dialects are spoken, all Germans, Swiss and Austrians learn High German so when they do meet, they actually do speak only ONE language, High German. You also get dialects in English, like for example have you heard someone from Jamaica speak English.

Do people speak Hochdeutsch?

Most people, especially in the cities, are capable of speaking Hochdeutsch (often with a stronger or weaker Bavarian accent) but only do so when talking to non-speakers of Bavarian, e.g. visitors from other regions of Bavaria, not as a general rule in their everyday life.

Do Amish still speak German?

Amish can’t speak German. They speak what is called Pennsylvania Dutch, which is a bastardization of English, German, and some evolved mix of the two, and what they call “High German”, which is a derivative of old German and old English.

How did the Germans come to speak one language?

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Exactly because the disputes went so deep and took so long, Luther’s German was dragged all over Germany, making it a common ground for everyone to communicate in. Luther’s German became the single model for the tradition of “Hochdeutsch” (High German). Schmitz, Michael. “Hochdeutsch – How Germans came to speak one Language.”

What role do dialects play in German education?

German dialects usually only play a minor role in German class because the standard German (Hochdeutsch) is taught. For many Germans, though, a dialect is the first language they grow up speaking, something that they live and breathe.

What is the German dialect you grew up speaking?

The dialect I grew up speaking is the one spoken in Saarland, the smallest state in Germany in the southwest close to France and Luxembourg. I’m able to burst out some funny-sounding sentences in that dialect called Saarländisch but that’s about it. How it actually works, I have no idea.

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What language did Martin Luther speak in Germany?

Exactly because the disputes went so deep and took so long, Luther’s German was dragged all over Germany, making it a common ground for everyone to communicate in. Luther’s German became the single model for the tradition of “Hochdeutsch” (High German).