
What happens if the left parietal lobe is damaged?

What happens if the left parietal lobe is damaged?

Damage to the left parietal lobe can result in what is called “Gerstmann’s Syndrome.” It includes right-left confusion, difficulty with writing (agraphia) and difficulty with mathematics (acalculia). It can also produce disorders of language (aphasia) and the inability to perceive objects normally (agnosia).

What are the symptoms of left temporal lobe damage?

Damage to the temporal lobes can result in:

  • Difficulty in understanding spoken words (Receptive Aphasia)
  • Disturbance with selective attention to what we see and hear.
  • Difficulty with identification and categorisation of objects.
  • Difficulty learning and retaining new information.
  • Impaired factual and long-term memory.

What may occur with damage to the left occipital lobe of the brain?

An injury to the occipital lobes can lead to visual field cuts, difficulty seeing objects or colors, hallucinations, blindness, inability to recognize written words, reading or writing, inability to see objects moving, and poor processing of visual information.

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What does the left frontal temporal lobe control?

Left and Right Lobes In most people, the left side of the brain is the dominant one, and in most people the left temporal lobe controls memories related to facts and information, along with the ability to recognize faces and objects.

What is Balint syndrome?

Balint syndrome is a rare manifestation of visual and spatial difficulties due to the parietal lobe lesions. We describe one such patient who had bilateral parietal infarcts and briefly discuss the etiopathogenesis of this disabling condition.

What is temporal lobe personality?

Temporal lobe epilepsy causes chronic, mild, interictal (i.e. between seizures) changes in personality, which slowly intensify over time. Geschwind syndrome includes five primary changes; hypergraphia, hyperreligiosity, atypical (usually reduced) sexuality, circumstantiality, and intensified mental life.

Can temporal lobe epilepsy cause changes in personality?

A deepening of emotionality with a serious, highly ethical, and spiritual demeanor has been described by clinicians as a positive personality change among patients with chronic mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.

What is Anton syndrome?

Anton-Babinski syndrome (Anton syndrome or ABS) is visual anosognosia (denial of loss of vision) associated with confabulation (defined as the emergence of memories of events and experiences which never took place) in the setting of obvious visual loss and cortical blindness.

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What disorders are associated with the occipital lobe?

Linked medical conditions

  • Blindness. Because the occipital lobe deals with vision, one possible result of damage in this area is full or partial blindness.
  • Anton syndrome. Anton syndrome is a rare form of blindness that occurs without the person being aware of it.
  • Riddoch syndrome.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Other forms of dysfunction.

How does frontal lobe damage affect personality?

As a whole, the frontal lobe is responsible for higher cognitive functions such as memory, emotions, impulse control, problem solving, social interaction, and motor function. Damage to the neurons or tissue of the frontal lobe can lead to personality changes, difficulty concentrating or planning, and impulsivity.

What happens when temporal lobe is damaged?

Right temporal damage can cause a loss of inhibition of talking. The temporal lobes are highly associated with memory skills. Left temporal lesions result in impaired memory for verbal material. Right side lesions result in recall of non-verbal material, such as music and drawings.

What part of the brain does frontotemporal disorder affect?

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Frontotemporal disorders affect the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. They can begin in the frontal lobe, the temporal lobe, or both. Initially, frontotemporal disorders leave other brain regions untouched, including those that control short-term memory.

What happens when the frontal and temporal lobes are damaged?

As neurons die in the frontal and temporal regions, these lobes atrophy, or shrink. Gradually, this damage causes difficulties in thinking and behaviors normally controlled by these parts of the brain. Many possible symptoms can result, including unusual behaviors, emotional problems, trouble communicating,…

How does the frontal lobe affect your personality?

The frontal lobe works together with other lobes to control overall functions. As a result, it’s inaccurate to attribute any particular action to a single brain region. Frontal lobe damage strikes at the very heart of what makes a person unique. It can affect your talents, memories, and even your personality.

What are the neurological disorders associated with frontal lobe dementia (FTD)?

Two rare neurological movement disorders associated with FTD, corticobasal syndrome and progressive supranuclear palsy, occur when the parts of the brain that control movement are affected. The disorders may affect thinking and language abilities, too.