
What happens when fire does not have oxygen?

What happens when fire does not have oxygen?

Fire itself is the light and heat produced by the exothermic reaction between the chemicals in the fuel and oxygen once initial flame or heat is added to start the reaction. If the oxygen is cut off from a fire, the chemical reaction stops and thr fire goes out.

Can a fire exist without oxygen?

A fire cannot burn without oxygen. So, the Sun can “burn” hydrogen to helium without the need for oxygen. It should be noted that in the presence of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, stars heavier than the Sun may burn hydrogen to helium by using the C, N and O as catalysts.

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Does fire need burning air?

There must be Fuel to burn. There must be Air to supply oxygen. There must be Heat (ignition temperature) to start and continue the combustion process.

Does oxygen explode?

Oxygen does vigorously support combustion (burning), but it is not flammable…. it simply doesn’t explode. It is certainly possible given the right circumstances that tanks of almost any gas could and did “explode” as the pressure in the tank increased with increasing temperature.

What will happen if you introduce more oxygen into a room with a fire?

As one of the elements of the fire triangle (heat, fuel and oxygen), it has the potential to kill and injure very easily. The enrichment of normal room air with oxygen increases the energy, heat release and severity of any fire.

What wouldn’t we have without fire?

Fire is a powerful force of nature, and one that we cannot always control. But imagine what our life would be like without fire: we would have no cooked food, no artificial light, and no way of keeping warm in a cool climate. Fire enables us to make pottery and metals, and bricks to build with.

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Can a fire burn without oxygen?

A fire cannot burn without oxygen. You can show this for yourself, in fact: if you light a small candle and then put a clear glass upside-down over that candle (without touching the flame), you can watch the flame slowly extinguish as it uses up all of the oxygen that you have trapped around it with the glass.

What would happen if there was no oxygen in a flame?

That depends entirely on what is burning. Florine, for example, will burn when combined with most other elements, so oxygen isn’t needed to maintain a flame. Magnesium will burn quite well when combined with sulfur. Again, no oxygen is needed. Originally Answered: What happens when a flame is deprived of oxygen?

What happens if there is no oxygen in the fire triangle?

The “fire triangle” is oxygen, fuel and heat. Deprived of any of the three, no combustion (fire) can take place. No oxygen, no fire. Multiple sclerosis signs – Some may wish they saw earlier. Signs of multiple sclerosis can be easily ignored. Look for multiple sclerosis symptoms.

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How does the sun burn without oxygen?

The burning that a star does, then, is a nuclear reaction, and not a chemical one like the fires on Earth (when a candle burns, the atoms themselves remain unchanged: just the molecules are affected). If not, how did the sun start to burn without oxygen? So, the Sun can “burn” hydrogen to helium without the need for oxygen.