
What happens when someone Downvotes?

What happens when someone Downvotes?

When you vote down, you are nudging that content “down” the page, so it will be seen by fewer people. Voting down answers is not something we want you to take lightly, so it is not free. Downvotes remove 2 reputation from the post owner. You get an additional 10 votes on questions only.

What do Downvotes mean on Reddit?

A downvote is an action that a user can take on the Reddit website (and in some other user interfaces) that is used to signal disapproval or try to downgrade a post and its content. On Reddit, upvote and downvote user events are tabulated, and have an effect on how content is represented on the Reddit website.

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Can someone see if you Downvote on Reddit?

No. Nobody but the admins can see who downvotes/upvotes stuff. If you think there’s downvote brigades going on then you can report it to the admins but if it was just one guy downvoting a bunch of people that’s not actually against the rules.

What happens when you Downvote an answer on Quora?

Moderators will come along when they see an answer has been downvoted and if they agree, they will “collapse” it.

What happens if you Downvote an answer on Quora?

The more no. of downvotes an answer receives, the answer will be collapsed. If you downvote a question, the question will be removed from your feed.

Can I buy Reddit Downvotes?

Viralyft is a company that can help you buy Reddit downvotes and upvotes that are reliable and practical. They also say that their service is highly authentic, and every upvote that you are going to receive for your Reddit account is going to be completely organic.

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Why do Redditors Downvote questions?

People upvote or downvote based on their personal criteria, including objective post quality — but also on how the post content moves them emotionally, including often how the content in question comports with their confirmation bias.

Can people tell who Downvoted?

As the above answer state, you cannot tell who is downvoting your Reddit posts. Best advice would be to learn what the individual subreddits like, post on them for approval, and then post a picture of your high karma despite the hater who is blanket downvoting you.

How many Reddit Downvotes do I have?

You can’t see the individual counts of up and down votes on a particular Reddit post or comment, but you can see the total net vote count for a post or comment from any thread page. You can also see the rough percentage of positive votes on a particular post.

Why do people want Downvotes?

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With nearly half of the vote or 46.32\% of respondents, “you disagree with the comment” was the top reason why people downvote comments. 27.86\% of respondents said that they downvote because “the comment did not contribute to the discussion”. 19.55\% of respondents indicated “other” as their reason for downvoting.