
What if husband Denies for divorce?

What if husband Denies for divorce?

You can file the divorce petition on ground of cruelty, he can not decide to give you the divorce or not. This will be decided by the Court only where you will file your divorce petition. If that does not work, try to convince for a divorce by mutual consent under S. 13-B Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.

Can I get divorce giving power of attorney in India?

No, its not possible to get the mutual divorce through power of attorney. Both the parties have to be present at the Court for the mutual divorce. The husband will have to come down to India for the same.

Does it matter who files for divorce first in India?

There is no harm in filing for divorce first if the spouses able to prove that the other spouse had committed some act which is a valid ground for divorce under the provisions of section 13 of the Hindu Marriage Act.

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What happens if my husband denies to divorce in India?

if your husband is deny the divorce and he is not come in the court and he refused the divorce to him then you have to lodge a complaint against your husband for maintenance.. and. complaint in the police station for under section 498 a? and pressure to your husband for divorce.

Can a wife get a divorce without her husband’s agreement?

Overview: It is not necessary that both the spouses have to agree to file for a divorce. One of them may file for a divorce without the others’ consent if they are sure that they have strong grounds for breakdown of the marriage.

Can divorce be filed through power of attorney?

There is nothing wrong in the Family Court entertaining an application even though it is filed through the power of attorney holder.

How do I file for divorce if I live abroad in India?

If a Non-Resident Indian (NRI) married in India wants a mutual consent divorce, then he/she can do so by filing a petition in India or in the country where both of them are residing. The Indian law provides for this exception of filing a divorce in another country.

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Is one sided divorce possible?

If the wife is not ready for mutual divorce you can go for one sided divorce on cruelity basis. It will be filed under section 13 l i(a)of HMA. Also it can be a reason that you are not having any relation , communication with each other for past 1 Nd half year can be a reason for divorce .

Can a power of attorney prevent a sibling from seeing their parent?

An agent under a financial power of attorney should not have the right to bar a sibling from seeing their parent. A medical power of attorney may give the agent the right to prevent access to a parent if the agent believes the visit would be detrimental to the parent’s health. Revoking a power of attorney.

Can a spouse grant each other a power of attorney?

As stated above, spouses often grant each other POA for certain areas of their lives. However, when this is not the case, it can be confusing and problematic for both the agent and the spouse if there are ever disagreements between the two over certain decisions relating to the principal-spouse and their affairs.

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Can a parent give a power of attorney to only one child?

When a parent names only one child to be the agent under a power of attorney, it can cause bad feelings and distrust. If you are dealing with a sibling who has been named agent under a power of attorney or if you have been named agent under a power of attorney over your siblings, the following are some things to keep in mind:

Can a power of attorney be revoked by a parent?

Once a parent is no longer competent, he or she cannot revoke the power of attorney. If the agent is acting improperly, family members can file a petition in court challenging the agent. If the court finds the agent is not acting in the principal’s best interest, the court can revoke the power of attorney and appoint a guardian.