
What if Naruto used two tails against Sasuke?

What if Naruto used two tails against Sasuke?

Naruto would’ve easily beaten Sasuke at that point with two tails. Sasuke would’ve had to retreat. The problem with that was Naruto wouldn’t have had control of it. He would’ve killed Sasuke but would also destroy anything else in his path if he wasn’t put down or exhausted his chakra.

Can Sasuke beat Naruto without Curse Mark?

Just a talentless ninja with no chakra and poor control, lacking in technique, taijutsu, knows no genjutsu and screws up on his ninjutsu. Sasuke without Curse Mark has the sharingan, genjutsu, superior technique, chakra control, and more chakra. Literally curb stomps Naruto in every way.

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Who removed Sasuke Curse Mark?

During Sasuke’s battle with Itachi Uchiha, he lost the cursed seal, along with Orochimaru (having earlier been absorbed into Sasuke’s body), as they were removed with the Sword of Totsuka.

Can Sasuke beat 4 Tails Naruto?

The 4 tails is way too much for Sasuke, Orochimaru’s statements were merely a means of him provoking Naruto to get him riled up. Sasuke has nothing in his arsenal that could even dent the 4 tails except Kirin if he survives long enough to use it. A single swipe could badly injure if not kill him.

What would happen if Naruto didn’t become Hokage?

If Naruto weren’t the Hokage, he would have plenty of time to devote to Boruto. Boruto’s goal is to become a more powerful shinobi than Naruto. If Naruto had more time, he could help Boruto develop his skills and teach him more about the Rasengan and other powerful ninjutsu.

What is Naruto’s strongest mode?

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As Naruto’s overall strongest form, Baryon Mode gives him god-like power that allows him to surpass Isshiki Ōtsutsuki himself. In this mode, Naruto has incredibly heightened power, speed and reflexes that make him next to invincible.

Who won the fight between Naruto and Sasuke?

After a long and grueling battle, Sasuke Uchiha reigned victorious over Naruto. Despite having flirted with the idea of killing him (especially to evolve his Sharingan), he elected to show mercy since “he didn’t need to finish him off in order to become stronger.”

Who won Chapter 3 of Naruto Shippuden?

3 WINNER: Naruto Technically Triumphed Since Sasuke Retreated When it began to seem as if the conflict would escalate, it was surprisingly Obito who would put an end to it. He stated it wasn’t the time to fight Team Seven and used his kamui to escort the villains to safety.

How many characters in Naruto are stronger than the 10-tails?

The anime Naruto has showcased an array of strong characters over the years. Here are 15 characters strong enough to match the 10-Tails. The Ten Tails is the strongest of all the known Tailed Beasts in the world of Naruto, and it comprises all nine of the other Tailed Beasts.

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What happens at the end of Naruto Shippuden?

The final battle between Sasuke and Naruto would bring the series to a close and define the fate of the world. The former had mastered the Sharingan, perfected his Susanoo, and enslaved eight other tailed beasts.
