
What is a heaving mountain?

What is a heaving mountain?

Answer: The largest and best known undersea mountain range in a mid _ocean ridge, the mid_ atlantic Ridge. similar to those on land , the undersea mountain ranges are the local of frequent volcanic and earthquake activity. please mark me brainliest.

What does tumbling mountain mean?

3rd- ‘tumbling – mountain’- vivid imagery of a massive, moving mound in the sea.

What is the message conveyed through the poem The Song of the Whale?

Answer Expert Verified. The poem Song of the Whale depicts the poignant emotions of a whale. The whale mourns for the death of its already dead kin and the remaining whales that will be killed by human beings for its fat. This is used to make lipsticks, soaps and shoe polish.

Why is the Whale crying the song of the Whale?

The Song of the Whale by kit Wright is a poem which is based on the killing of Whales for our benefits. Here personification is used which is art of giving emotions or human traits to a non-human being. The poet here simply states that every whale is crying for your loss of life.

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Why is the whale crying?

Whales can often be seen or heard crying or moaning when they have recently lost a loved one or when they feel alone and haven’t found a friend or partner to connect with. Aside from moans and cries whales are able to communicate with one another in a number of different ways.

Which countries are still hunting whales?

Japan and Iceland are the only two countries that currently use this provision. Japan has been engaged in scientific whaling since 1987, a year after the IWC moratorium on commercial whaling began. Iceland recently began “scientific whaling” in 2003 before resuming their commerical hunt in 2006.

What are painted faces How does the speaker feel about them?

The speaker in this poem notes that she “could not” stop for Death, a comment which suggests she is a person who was always too active and too interested in life to consider the possibility that she might die. In this poem, however, we can see that she does not have much choice in the matter.

Why is the whale crying for its life and crying for its kind?

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To sum everything up, whales do not cry in the way that humans are familiar with because whales lack the tear ducts necessary for crying, and while they do possess tear glands these glands are used to secrete a greasy liquid in order to keep their eyes clean and free from debris.

What is the poet’s message to the readers?

We should strive to keep human values alive. We should keep our desires and hatred to check. Desire can be controlled by being satisfied and happy with what one has.

Why is the whale grieving?

Robin Baird from the Cascadia Research Collective co-authored a study published in the Journal of Mammology and stated to Dive Magazine, “The animals go through a period where they’re experiencing the same kind of emotions you or I would when a loved one dies.” The grief is often brought on due to the loss of pod …

Why does the poet say a universe was born?

Answer: The poet said that because when he heard the strange sonorous sound in the morning he feels happy by hearing the pleasing, melodic sound..

Do orcas cry?

What is the meaning of the poem heaving mountain?

The ‘heaving mountain” is the whale. The poem is saying that we kill this highly intelligent creature to make, as the author says,’lipstick for our painted faces’ and ‘polish for our shoes’ The poem looks at this from the whale’s point of view.

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Why was the mountain taken up and cast into the sea?

The mountain was not only “taken up” but also “cast into the sea” in the language of the Scriptures. It was, therefore, an actual fulfillment of the prayers of the saints who obeyed Christ’s instructions. The “this mountain” that Jesus speaks of in Matthew 21:21 was replaced by “the great mountain” of Daniel 2:35.

What is a seamount?

What is a seamount? A seamount is an underwater mountain formed by volcanic activity. TThis image shows the topography of the Kaunana Seamount. The seamount was named in honor of OER’s remotely operated vehicle Deep Discoverer for its role in the discoveries made during an expedition to the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.

What is the kaunana seamount?

A seamount is an underwater mountain formed by volcanic activity. TThis image shows the topography of the Kaunana Seamount. The seamount was named in honor of OER’s remotely operated vehicle Deep Discoverer for its role in the discoveries made during an expedition to the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.