
What is land for peace in Israel?

What is land for peace in Israel?

The name Land for Peace is derived from the wording of the resolution’s first operative paragraph which affirms that peace should include the application of two principles: Withdrawal of Israeli forces (Giving Up Land), and Termination of all claims or states of belligerency (Making Peace).

What is the land for peace and what was it used for?

For a long time the efforts aimed at achieving a settlement to the conflict were based on the principle of “land for peace,” meaning that if Israel withdraws from the occupied Arab territories, including the occupied Palestinian land, the Arabs will make peace with Israel.

What are Palestinian values?

While many traditional social structures have collapsed under occupation, most Palestinians continue to be guided by Islamic principles and Arabic cultural values, such as hospitality, loyalty, honour and respect for elders.

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What is the culture like in Palestine?

Palestinians place a high premium on generosity and hospitality, as does Arab culture in general. Palestinian homes are always ready to receive an unannounced guest with food, sweets and Arabic or Turkish coffee. Visits with family and neighbors are commonplace, often occurring once or twice a week.

Why do Palestinians want peace with Israel?

Many Palestinians desire peace and recognize the enormous economic opportunities and social benefits that await them if relations with the State of Israel can be normalized. Gaza is a very complicated situation. It is under the control of Hamas, a terrorist organization, and, as a result of Hamas’ policies, is approaching a humanitarian crisis.

What is the vision for peace and prosperity?

The principles set forth in this Vision for Peace, Prosperity and a Brighter Future (collectively, this “ VISION ”), are designed for the benefit of Palestinians, Israelis and the region as a whole.

What is the official position of the state of Israel on peace?

The official position of the State of Israel is that peace ought to be negotiated on the basis of giving up some control of the occupied territories in return for a stop to the conflict and violence.

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Who should be the negotiator in Israel-Hamas peace talks?

Israel’s position is that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas ought to be the negotiating partner in the peace talks, and not Hamas, which has at times engaged with Israel in escalations of the conflict and attacks Israel’s civilian population.