
What is LeanTween?

What is LeanTween?

LeanTween is an efficient tweening engine for Unity3d. Index of All Methods | Optional Paramaters that can be passed. Optional Parameters are passed at the end of every method. Example: LeanTween.

What is DOTween used for?

An API made to boost efficiency, intuitiveness and ease of use. DOTween can animate every numeric value and also some non-numeric ones. It can even animate strings, with support for rich-text. You can activate/deactivate references to Unity’s systems (physics/audio/UI/etc) via DOTween Modules.

Can you do Tween in unity?

DOTween includes shortcuts for some known Unity objects, like Transform, Rigidbody and Material. You can start a tween directly from a reference to these objects (which will also automatically set the object itself as the tween target), like: DOMove(new Vector3(2,3,4), 1); rigidbody.

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What does tweening mean in animation?

Tweening in animation is a short for inbetweening, and it’s the process of generating images that go between keyframes. That character would be clearly defined in each keyframe, but between those two frames, the figure could look distorted or stretched to fit with the motion and direction.

Does DOTween use coroutines?

DOTween makes heavy use of unity’s default coroutines.

Do tweens float?

Tween a float so that it goes from current value to a higher value then down passing the initial value to a lower and then back up to initial value.

Why is Tween important in animation?

Inbetweening, also commonly known as tweening, is a process in animation that involves generating intermediate frames, called inbetweens, between two keyframes. The intended result is to create the illusion of movement by smoothly transitioning one image into another.

How do I use tweens in Adobe animation?

Creating a motion tween animation

  1. Create a graphic or instance that you want to tween, and then right-click a frame and select Create Motion Tween.
  2. Select the graphic or instance that you want to tween, and select Insert > Motion Tween from the main menu.
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Is Unity good for animation?

Unity is a game engine, therefore designed to handle animation better than Blender which is a 3d Graphical software. While you can create animation with Blender which does support bones, IK rigging and even motion capturing, Unity is strong enough to take all of these and create complex animation.

Should I switch from lean tweens to dotween?

DOTweens performance has never been an issue to me. LeanTweens documentation is atrocious and sloppy. When you see documentation that sloppy on a public facing tool you have to think the code is sloppy too. DOTween works great, it’s heavily battle tested by a lot of users. I see no reason to switch.

Is leanlean tween good for WebGL?

Lean tween is good from coding perspective (fluent string of calls) but lack of editor. DoTween has editor – so basic tweening you can setup in editor. Is Unity WebGL really useful?

What do you think about dotween performance?

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DOTweens performance has never been an issue to me. LeanTweens documentation is atrocious and sloppy. When you see documentation that sloppy on a public facing tool you have to think the code is sloppy too. DOTween works great, it’s heavily battle tested by a lot of users.