
What is liquid in liquid solution?

What is liquid in liquid solution?

When another polar liquid such as ethanol is mixed with water, they completely blend and dissolve into one another. Liquids that dissolve in one another in all proportions are said to be miscible. Liquids that do not dissolve in one another are deemed immiscible.

Is an example of liquid in liquid type solution?

Solutions, in which solute and solvent both are present in liquid state, are called liquid liquid solutions. For example – Vinegar solution, vinegar is the mixture of ethanoic acid and water. Solution of ethanol in water.

What is solid in liquid solution?

Solid – Liquid Solution Solutions, in which solutes present in solid state and solvent is in liquid state, are called solid liquid solutions. For example – Solution of salt in water, solution of glucose in water, etc.

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Is liquid liquid A milk?

Milk is a colloid of a liquid in liquid. Such colloids are called emulsion. In milk emulsion, liquid fat globules are dispersed in water.

Is milk a liquid solution?

Well, from a general perspective, we would say milk is a solution because it is basically a mixture containing proteins (casein and whey), lactose, trace elements, lipids, fats and other substances in water without any bonding. We classify it in this category because milk has more than one phase suspended in it.

What is liquid solution with example?

13.2: Types of Solutions and Solubility

Solution Solute Examples
liquid liquid alcoholic beverage (ethanol in water), gasoline
liquid solid tea, salt water
solid gas H2 in Pd (used for H2 storage)
solid solid mercury in silver or gold (amalgam often used in dentistry)

Is shampoo a liquid-liquid solution?

Shampoo is more appropriately described as a colloid with the continuous phase being the liquid and the dispersed phase being a combination of oils and solids. As Rachna Rastogi mentions, it is a mixture of surfactants and water where the surfactants help suspend the solids in the water.

What is liquid substance with example?

A liquid has a defined volume, but no fixed shape. Examples of liquids include water, oil, and blood. A liquid is a state of matter that has a definite volume, but no fixed shape.

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What type of solution is solid and liquid?

Homogeneous solutions are formed when both the solute and solvent are in the gas phase (liquid in gas and solid in gas combinations form colloidal dispersions); when a solvent in the liquid phase is combined with either a solid, liquid or gas solute; or when a solid solvent is combined with a solid, liquid or gas …

What is an example of a fluid?

A fluid is a material that flows under a shear force. Most fluids are liquids or gases. Examples include air and water. A fluid is a material that flows or continuously deforms under a shear (tangential stress).

Is orange juice a solution?

Orange juice without pulp is a homogeneous mixture. It is often called a solution. This type of mixture is uniformly distributed throughout the mixture; it does not matter which part we are looking at. So, orange juice without orange pulp is a solution.

Is muddy water solution?

Muddy water is a classic suspension, with relatively large solid particles suspended in water. Upon standing the solids start to settle to the bottom of the container. Colloids are heterogeneous mixtures which do not settle out like suspensions, but are not true solutions either.

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What is the difference between a liquid and a solution?

The main and basic difference between an aqueous solution and liquids is that a liquid is a state of matter which has some typical characteristics which distinguishes it from other states of matter, i.e., solids and gases; whereas an aqueous solution is a solution where the solvent is water, which is a liquid, and some other substance or compound

What are examples of liquid solutions?

Sugar water is an example of a solid-liquid solution. Sugar, a solid, is the solute; water, a liquid, is the solvent. Dissolving the solid in the liquid creates the solution.

What is the liquid in a solution called?

A solid or a gas dissolved in a liquid is called a solution. A mixture of two miscible liquids is also called a solution. The dissolved substance is called the solute.

Does the solution have to be a liquid?

Yes a solution does have to involve liquid. For example. when when dissolving a solid you must have liquid to do so. And it also must contain liquid for another liquid. The Fact f one substance dissolving into another substance will require liquid.